Sunday, March 31, 2024

🔥Bold Believers🔥 S4C- Professional Harvester Coming Soon" 3/31/24 ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Time's Too Short to Sit on Our Laurels- Share This!!
⚠️PROPHETIC WARNING⚠️ 💥Rapture 2024💥

🎬Sunday Movies🎬 Christian Movies | The Last Supper

🎬Sunday Movies🎬
I Cannot Wait till Our First Supper with Jesus in Heaven!! 


💡Just Interesting 💡 @HolyLandSite- 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀' 𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗯


💡Just Interesting 💡 @rosalindsolomon7- Moose lol chasing a bear lol a must see


Timothy Alberino- The Days of Noah, Megaliths, and the Interdimensional Hypothesis | Mystery Bible On Podcast

Time to Share!!


,🎬Sunday Movies🎬 101 Films UK- Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023) | Full Action Drama Movie

Who's Got the Popcorn???  🎬Sunday Movies🎬


Saturday, March 30, 2024

videoinspirational- Meet Monkey, A Lovable 'Vampire' Cat With A Personality As Big As His Fangs

Share It!!


☢️Just Crazy☢️ @SundayCoolTee- Ep.83 Man fights shark and gets an arm back?? #ninjasarebutterflies


Cash Register- A very important conversation with Kermit about the Dogpark!

Share A Smile!!


Supernatural By Design- *WOW* Purim Prophecy: Francis Scott Bridge Collapse Linked To America's Betrayal Of Israel And More!

Be Kind & Share!!  🔥Bold Believers🔥 


Off The Kirb Ministries- If This Wasn't Predicted in 1803, I Wouldn't Believe You 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Go On & Share!! 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌


💠Just Amazing💠 @AKBirds114- This Owl is so big, it feels overwhelming This owl weighs 2\3 pounds, which i


Rabbi Jason Sobel on TBN- What You Didn't Know About Jesus & Passover | Mysteries of the Messiah on TBN

Share Please!!


TBN Israel- The History of Purim & Israel's ANCIENT Relationship with Iran | Yair Pinto | TBN Israel Fundraiser

So Real , Interesting & Shareable!!


Significance of Rapture Harmony Indiana Revealed in Dreams & Visions During the Eclipse! 👀End Times Destruction/Judgement👀

Good Shareable Stuff!


👄Laugh O'Gram👄 oscardramirez- Hilarious Dog Snapchats That Are Impawsible Not To Laugh At (PART 3)

Share w/Someone Who Needs to Laugh!!
  👄Laugh O'Gram👄 



Elementary but Shareable!!


Friday, March 29, 2024

💠Just Amazing💠 Victorious Nature- Rhino Battles. The Rhinoceros In Anger Destroys Everything In Its Path !!!

Be Shareful!! Not sure if Shareful is a word, but, don't you agree that it should be???
I'm playing hooky tonight, but, I love Rhino's, I can't help it!!

🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @CaneCorsoLovers- The Most Handsome Cane Corso


🔥Bold Believers🔥 Mike Signorell- Why NYC women are getting punched in the face! ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Time is Short-Share It!!  😈End Times Behavior😈


❤️Just Smile❤️ @rxckstx- Momma Left Me in Charge! - RxCKSTxR Comedy Voiceover


History Guy- The Extremely SHOCKING Letter Pilate wrote on JESUS' Crucifixion

Kindly Share!!


🤡End Times Crazies🤡 Rotten Tomatoes Trailers- The Zookeeper's Wife Official Trailer 1 (2017)

You Must Share It!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔

I watched this Movie, several days ago. And, The Holy Spirit spoke! I truly believe that it's all coming again; People, Drunk on power and control, in ecstasy over the pain they're able to inflict. It's coming, I can feel it. There's nothing new under the Sun.

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."  Eccl. 1:9


Yes, it will, it is about to happen again. They will call you a Nazi as they round YOU up like the Nazi's did in their day. They will rip people from their Homes, take what they want, material or human whichever suits the mood, at that moment in time. And, FEMA will give the people new Homes in their Concentration Camp/Ghetto gigs. 


Yes Sir, Bob, you get in THEIR way and you Pay, big time. Because, for the first time in their miserable lives, these ugly ugly people, miscreants will have their way and their say in the World. Yep, the Ugly People will excitedly, run the Show. They'll look forward to every single damned day and when they wake dementedly, sinister grin affixed, they'll so look forward to ruining lives. 

And self-will run riot will be imposed upon a stiff-necked peoples along with those that had a strong delusion. But, you can bet your bum, their eyes, especially, here in America, theirs will be opened as they're man-handled, stripped of their wealth, homes, clothing, even that which is upon their backs, just as they did the Jews! Your Dignity no longer belongs to you, right along with your food and anything else their detestable eye beholds and takes a fancy to. "Do what thou wilt," is their mantra, best associated with by Aleister Crowley, the Satanist!

I cannot tell you how I know all this except to say that I believe it to be from The Holy Spirit. WE/US, YOURS & MINE, we are NOT given a spirit of Fear as we WILL escape all that is coming. Nonetheless, it is more than disconcerting to know that this is most certainly coming. Arm yourself, Spiritually and drop Seeds everywhere possible. I am not saying to go out and Evangelize unless you have that Gift, but, I will posit to say to leave a YouTube/ Facebook, etc., positive Comment as time is short. In other words, be more mindful than you ever were to drop that Seed wherever, whenever possible. Amen!!


Eyewitness News WTVO WQRF & ABC 7 Chicago- Timeline of Deadly Rockford neighborhood murder spree 😈End Times Behavior😈

So Sad-Share It!!- The Lunatics are running The Asylum 
🤡End Times Crazies🤡


Rockford stabbing attack victims ID'd, suspect charged with murder ABC 7 Chicago

Thursday, March 28, 2024

🔥Prophecy in Action 🔥 #S4C- Midweek Study "Messiah Joseph and Messiah David"

It'd Be Nice If You Share!! (Sorry, Out of Sync!)


RMBC HebrewClub #232: "Celebrating Passover In Heaven" 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

C'mon Family, Share It!!
(I apologize, but, Videos seem to be evading me in my Feed. Much is back-dated!)


💠Just Amazing💠 @DenisBrem- This Artist Tried a Crazy Experiment


💡Just Interesting💡 Nature on PBS- Pufferfish Builds Sand Sculpture for Mating & Pufferfish 🐡 Puffing Up for Survival!


☢️Just Crazy☢️ SHOCKING VIDEO: Chicago Uber Driver's Near Death Experience Revealed | TSR Investigates

Go Ahead & Share It!!  Explicate Language Warning!!

I an not as shocked as I should be when people, such as these go on dropping the "F Bomb," per se. However, often times I want you to see the realistic side of life. Thus, I Post these scenarios hoping YOU'LL see, that, quite literally, we are surrounded by Nephilim Beings, They're everywhere and intent on Killing you, or at the very least, ruining your day in the best way possible!!
And, I must mention my disdain along with complete disgust when I heard, in the tail of that report about our brave buddy,  John Williams, the Uber driver. For real, it sickens me when I hear anybody's ploy for that filthy Lucre, truly. But, beg indeed is what they do whether it'd be on a YouTube Ministry Channel, they're never missing a beat on that Tithing drum. Yes, they assure you of the promise the Lord will instill, you know the "Prosperity Gospel," if only you'll give to their Church.
But, we're not talking about the Church, as they're disgusting on their own level. No, we're addressing the likes of the "GoFundMe" monsters prowling the pages and Channels we see every day. And, poor, John Williams, that Uber driver, well folks, as they said, we need to give so we might help "as he navigates this Trauma." Yep, I so wish I could tell Mr. Williams to get over himself and get a life. Oh, and get a jobby Job while you're at it, you know something other than begging!!

💠Just Amazing💠 @Discover.Unseens- Most Beautiful and Rare Horse In The World 🐴 #shorts


Rose Hannah- 40 Days and Nineveh will be no more 4-8-24 Eclipse to PENTECOST is 40 days!- Sign of Jonah

C'mon Gotta Share!!


I⚡The More You Know⚡mpossible Spinning On A Stick African Dance (Kumpo Dance)

Go Ahead & Share!!

I felt the need to look up the Footage, or similar to what we'd seen here as I'd Posted something like this not too long ago. Anywhoot, a Brother @Godrules-Sons of Thunde(Boanerges)didn't see the full Footage and truly believed it was a stick, unto itself whirring and cavorting. But, in this Footage you can clearly see how it's done. Still fascinating, and, crazy to watch, at least to me!!


,✮Feed Your Faith✮ A Rood Awakening!- Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai 🔥Prophecy in Action 🔥

 You Should Share, Right??? 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

💡Just Interesting 💡 @1MinuteAnimals- Black Heron 🐦 The Mind-Blowing Fishing Genius!


Janie DuVall- Terrifying Fallen Angel Technology Revealed! 😈End Times Behavior😈

Please Share It!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Janie DuVall- Shocking New Discovery Holds Secret Rapture Prophecy!

Why Don't You Share!!


⚡The More You Know⚡ Brave Wilderness- EATEN ALIVE by a Bobbit Worm!

Share Away!! What a Nightmare!!


🔥Bold Believers🔥 Midweek Study "Celebrating Passover In Heaven"

Share with Somebody in Need!!  🔥Prophecy in Action  🔥


Lou Valentino- BREAKING!! Elon Musk RELEASES BOMBSHELL!!! Opening the EYES of 300 million Americans to vote TRUMP?

Sure Good to Share!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔


💠Just Amazing💠 @wildworld_en- Squirrel Steals Acorn, Woodpecker Retaliates! 😱 #shorts #AcornWoodpecker


💠Just Amazing💠 Monterey Bay Aquarium- Stuck on you: caring for our giant Pacific octopus

Latch On & Share!!


Surviving End Times- Eyes to The Skies! April 8th Solar Eclipse Path Forms Second Leg of Occult X, Biblical Connections 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Gotta Share It!!  ⚠️PROPHETIC WARNING⚠️


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @vargasstories- his bird is his best friend ❤️


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Aliyah Return Center- (Day 172) Swords of Iron- Betrayal?” 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Be the One to Share!! 👀End Times Destruction👀


❤️Just Smile❤️ @fjerry- Dad Plays Guitar For His Son

Share & Give A Smile-Speaking of, did you notice that lil' bugger grin ands giggle when his Dad starts Playing???


🔥Bold Believers🔥 S4C- "6 Month Tour Of Heaven" Sunday 3/24/24 ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Sunday Cool- Update On The Red Heifer Sacrifice In Israel | Ninjas Are Butterflies 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Hey Guys; Share It!!  😈End Times Behavior😈

I find it extremely interesting that young people, such as these guys are searching out the Truth and finding it! I mean, these guys are not Secular, but, it's truly fascinating to behold a group coming to Fruition in the Lord! And, the truth of the matter, today unfortunately, young People are stuck on Stupid, so stuck in and on themselves, they can't see the Forest through the Trees, (in my day they'd say, "through their hair!") Don't ask me how and why I gravitate to SundayCoolTees stuff, (as I am now an Old Lady or so I'm told), but, somehow I do. Good times, Kids, good times are a coming!!
 👀End Times Destruction👀

BTW, remember that the Oct 7th Massacre was so called "Operation Al Aqsa Flood" by Hamas  any excuse to Set-It-Off    so named because of their, Hamas' firm belief that Israel will Sacrifice the Red Heifers, possibly ushering in the Messiah (shhh, I mean Antichrist!) and this will cause them, the Jews to take over the Temple Mount Grounds, the 3rd Holiest site to Muslims. Thus, they ushered in an Intifada and, make no qualms about it as there's no shame in their game, planning their next attack. And, you can thank YOUR Tax Dollars for all of this as we carry Israel and they'd carried, mistakenly the Gaza Strip, Palestinians and ultimately Hamas. Yes, it's all TRUE!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @ooglit- Water Cat


⚡The More You Know⚡ @Jamesmoorewellness- How to Crack Your Back in SECONDS at home


Will a Red Heifer Cause Armageddon and what it means for Christians, Jews and Muslims - April 2024 ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Be Kind & Share!! 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌


Monday, March 25, 2024

Godrules 2 - Sons of Thunder- Something Very Bizarre Is Going To Happen On April 8th (You Won't Believe What I Just Discovered)

It'd Be Nice If You Share!! ,⛔End Times Warning⛔
(Remember our Code Word, to "GLEAN" as this is a perfect instance.)


❤️Just Smile❤️ @tyla.official- Frenchie and Toddler Are The Best Of Friends 🥺❤️ (🎥: TT/ sophmac98


🔥Bold Believers🔥 Sling and Stone- THE RED HEIFERS ARE ABOUT TO BE SACRIFICED! Red Heifer Prophecy 2024

We'd Love If You Share!! 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌   

Stories To Inspire- Against All Odds: Miracles Amidst Tragedy, How I Survived Relentless Terror Attacks on October 7th 👀End Times Destruction👀

Share It Today!!


A Day In History- The Darkest Side Of ISIS *Warning MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Kindly Share-Educate Others!!   MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!

 😈End Times Behavior😈

🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @Jndigo- Funny Animals part13 #cute #funny


⚡The More You Know⚡ @neural-pathways- World’s Craziest Archaeological Discoveries Part 1


Spiritual Global Flood Resurrection! Earth Breaks Open! Windows of Heaven Open! Noah Parallels! 🔥Prophecy in Action 🔥

Get 'Em Ready-Share This!!


Rapture Revealed- Our LAST WEEK Has Begun? April 7th Is Around The Corner...,📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Share, Right???  

Sunday, March 24, 2024

👄Laugh O'Gram👄 Strange Vista- You Think You've Seen It All? Watch This! 💥💯 (Animals Edition) #42

Supernatural By Design- Things Are About To Escalate! 👀End Times Destruction👀

Love It When Ya Share!!    🔚End Time Prophetic Signs

🚩Jesus is Coming🚩 @TyGreen726- The Sun Shall Be Darkened But We're Not There Yet Unless...


Cash Jordan- It Begins… Entire NYC Mall Closes Over Theft 😈End Times Behavior😈

Go On & Share!!


Divine Transformation- IT WAS NEVER JUST MUSIC! - Discover What's Behind the POP Songs of Madonna, Beyoncé...

Can You Share, Please??? 

I mean, have you not noticed how truly vile and ugly these people are and have become? Truly hideous, at least it's how I view it, them and that's being kind. I emphatically thank our Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit to have opened my eyes to the exact Insanity of it ALL! Amen!! It or they bring to mind, 2 Tim 3: 1-6!

🎬Sunday Movies🎬 FamilyTime- The End Times: In the Words of Jesus Christ | Full Movie 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

Glad to Share???


Our Father placed CLUES to His RAPTURE throughout His Word! Dr Barry Awe ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Thanks for Sharing!!


BlazeTV- Is the 'Red Heifer Prophecy' in Israel about to be Fulfilled? ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Avidly Share, Please!! 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

⚡The More You Know⚡ @Con_Spiracy- He used to look COMPLETELY different #morbidfacts #shorts


⚡The More You Know⚡ Sunday Cool- Every U.S. President Comes From The Same Royal Bloodline | Ninjas Are Butterflies

Gotta Share!!-All True!!


Whaddo You Meme??- They Called Her "Unsavable" Then THIS happened!

Please Share!!

I often have to remind myself, insinuation on me, myself and I that well, I've perpetrated some really bad things, and yet, I see that King David caused the Death of a Man, amongst other things, so he might possess Bathsheba, right? But, the true reason that God was quick to Forgive David was because He loved how truly Repentant he was!! You betcha, there's hope for the worst of us!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @Lizardous_3- This Gorilla did something unexpected 🥺 #gorilla


America is being INVADED right now! | KAP REACTS 😈End Times Behavior😈

Spread the Word!!

I know you didn't ask my opinion, but, I MUST say what The Holy Spirit dictates. I happen to believe that there are Entities, behind the scenes, nefarious entities that, like the Biden's, are being PAID by China and, most likely other top Countries, to do their bidding as well as, well dare I say it; Collapse the Country. Yes, years ago, I wrote to Smithfield about James River BBQ in the can and spoke to a lady that told me that the Company had been Sold to China and along with that, many Items are no longer available. It meant nothing to me till about 2017-2018 when I began to piece things to together. Now, if you remember, in the "Jewish Year of Correction" as it's called, in 20/20 or 2020, in that very year they started the Explosion's and Fires at all those Meat Packing/Meat Processing Plants. That was, most assuredly for a reason and it was most likely to END the competition or, is it at all possible that certain Companies refused to play ball with the "Big Four" and were taken out?


Why did Satan quote Psalm 91 to Jesus? 😈Satanic Display😈

Worthy of Sharing!! (Dr. Michael S. Heiser, RIP)

I don't know why I am fascinated by this, but, I will share one of the greatest Mysteries that I know of. So, Jesus is in the Desert, Praying for 40 Days/Nights when Satan comes a callin'! What a pain in the tuchus, this guy, huh? I know this much; I will be beyond grateful when we are OUT of his clutches as he had made my life miserable. 
Anywho, in Matt 4: 5 Jesus had to have been on the verge of collapse to have Fasted all that time, alone in the Desert? And, along comes Satan, trying to mess with Jesus when he's vulnerable. The most engrossing aspect of this juxtaposition is that Satan had the power to take OUR LORD to the Pinnacle of The Temple! Just wrap your mind around that as well as the Fact that that Temple Pinnacle was some 420ft. in the *Air, Satan's Backyard. 

He then, transports Jesus, in  Luke 4:5, to top of the highest Mountain. That dastardly Devil then tells the Lord God, "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time." STOP! Think on that! Who is this Beast that he can pick-up our Jesus and jostle him onto a Mountain?   "Them's Fightin' words," except, Jesus is gonna let him live to tell... for now. Yes, Appointed Times and Feasts are, I suppose more important than we give credit to/for. But, get my point? How is it that Satan could do the things he's done? Nope, I do not like that piece of work, not one iota!

😈Satanic Display😈

*In the News, EVERY SINGLE DAY . literally there's a Story, Reporting/Broadcasting about someone losing their mind in/on an Airplane. I'd mentioned all this in a previous Post, but, I am completely mesmerized by these people, on Plane's going Crazy, Fighting, etc. And, 9 times outta 10, it makes no sense. Yes, Satan is literally the Prince of the Air for a reason!!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Israeli News Live- Russia under attack

Go Ahead & Share, K???


Sling and Stone- The Muslims Kaaba and Mecca could be the REAL Mystery Babylon SHOCKING REVELATION 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Just Gotta Share!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔


@thebalaganconnection7129- i Was Wrong...Seriously Wrong!!! 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Be Kind & Share!!- Interesting Viewpoint!!


⚡The More You Know⚡ @SundayCoolTees- Ep.82 Update of the Red Heifer Sacrifice in Israel! #ninjasarebutterflies


⚡The More You Know⚡ NaturalWorldWonder, - King of the Ocean's Shadows | The Orca's Reign of Power #orcas

Share It!! I Love Orca's (Mostly Female Cloistered/Groupings, They're Pretty Street!!)

ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Overlaying the Temple & the Geo-Tabernacle with the Eclipses! Results Were Stunning! Rapture! 🔚End Times Sign

You Should Share, Right???


,❤️Just Smile❤️ @FunnyDogszk- Funny dogs 🐶🐶 episode 98 #shorts


🔥Bold Believers🔥 RMBC HebrewClub #231: " The Enemy was Death" ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Please, Family, Share It!!


Neighborhood Wars,- Mom SLAPS School Bus Driver Holding Children Hostage 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Share It!!

Was John Cena's Oscars Skit A SATANIC Ritual? | Kap Reacts 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Can You Share???  🚩Jesus is Coming🚩


🔥Bold Believers🔥 @TyGreen726,- Total Solar Eclipses and Blood Moons | It Does Mean Something | It's A M...

Sorry, you'll have to Watch this Content on YouTube! Ugg!!

Really Truly Shareable!! 👀End Times Destruction👀

Thursday, March 21, 2024

TBN Israel - BREAKING: Hezbollah Forces DEPLOYED In Lebanon; Israel Forming “Day After” Gaza Plans |

Sharing is Caring!!


✮Feed Your Faith✮ @AleksStashko- Proof the Red Sea parted⁉️😱 #Shorts


New York Post- Migrants break barriers and rush border guards in shocking scene at El Paso

Please Share It!!


They're About to Be Revealed. This Will Shock the World! ⛔End Times Warning⛔

C'mon, You Wanna Share, Right???


FREEFORM EXPRESSION- Sandy Armstrong: From Gang Violence To The NFL (Short Doc)

Won't You Share???


😈End Times Behavior😈 @MarkDriscollMinistries- People are Sick!! 🤡End Times Crazies🤡


📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌@JimmyEvans- The Antichrist's Arrival: Will Israel Rebuild the Temple Soon?


☢️Just Crazy☢️ @NaturalWorldWondersTV- The Bone-Eating Bird | Bearded Vulture


Motivate Mindfulness,- The Truth about the Solar eclipse, What will happen on April 8th 2024? 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

It'd Be Nice If You Shared!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Paul Joseph Watson- How's that cultural enrichment working out for you? 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Good Enough to Share!!  Kids, surely it was happier, you know super-duper gay times when, similar to Cultural Enrichment, we had our First President through Affirmative Action. What joy!

In case you noticed, well, two things; Paul Joseph Watson always ends his Videos with the image of the Shoebill Stork. Now, I have NO IDEA why I love the Shoebill, but, Fellas, I do. In addition to that lil' factoid (gosh, I'm simply full of those, i.e., Cows Fart approx. 693 times an hour! Yep!)  and so I've Posted a Video, for your viewing pleasure, of a mature Shoebill Stork,! It's down below! I don't know, could it be because the Shoebill reminds me of a Muppet character?


SHOEBILL STORK ─ The Jurassic Master Hunter of The Wetlands! Shoebill vs Lungfish

End Times Productions- The Truth About UFOs is Hidden From the Public | Timothy Alberino 😈End Times Behavior😈

So Shareable!!


prophecyandtruth- Enoch's 10 weeks and When is the End of the World? 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Share!!⛔End Times Warning⛔


⚡The More You Know⚡ @Con_Spiracy- He was stung 432 times, then his parents did WHAT?


Glenn Beck- How Israel’s Red Heifer Prophecy Explains What's Happening Right Now 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Spread the Word-Share This Please!! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


🔥Bold Believers🔥"On The Edge of Judgement" 3/17/24 S4C with Pastor Sandy 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

I Ask That YOU Share!!

I wish that I had more self-control. I mean, I've watched CJ Lovik and I DO NOT always agree, but, I GLEAN as I say to Y'all. And, in todays World it is really hard to find a Video, on any given day that you can completely Believe and agree with. Just sayin', but, we MUST be wary and forewarned that YOU MUST Study to show yourself approved. Agreed???



Shouldn't You Share???  💥Rapture 2024💥


⚡The More You Know ⚡@wildworld_en- Crafty Acacia Holds Ants Hostage With Addictive Reward! 🧠🐜 ,☢️Just Crazy☢️


⚡The More You Know⚡ @SundayCoolTees- Ep.81 Stonehenge found in the Great Lakes?? #ninjasarebutterflies


The Free Press- Massacre at a Music Festival: Supernova Survivors | FP in Israel ✡️Stand With Israel✡️



Tuesday, March 19, 2024

🔥Bold Believers🔥 S4C- Midweek Bible Study "One Book, His Story" PT2📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

So Good Gotta Share!!


🔥Bold Believers🔥 Rapture Revealed- 1 MONTH TO GO? Is The Rapture In April 2024 or NOT?! ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Time is So Short-Share It!!


Integrity Builders- John 14 Verse 30 ⛔End Times Warning⛔



🔥Bold Believers🔥 Supernatural By Design- PURIM ECLIPSE 2024 You Will Never See The Book Of Esther The Same

Beyond Shareable!!



So Shareable- Exquisitely & Tastefully Done!!


Kibbutz Nir Am's Miracle: How One Woman's Actions Foiled A Terrorist Infiltration Saving 600 Lives

A Must Share!!- Simply Brilliant!!


Sling and Stone- Sounds Coming from The Sky WORLDWIDE 2024, End Times Trumpets, Booms, and Mystery Sounds ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Beyond Belief-Must Share!!

Про животных и не только!!!- A girl found a newborn CREATURE on the street! Look who's grown out of him!

Wanna Share These Ugly But Cute Lil' Buggers???


ROOT OF DAVID- This Is Happening In So Many Churches- Only True Believers Can See It.

Share & Surely Glean, K???


❤️Just Smile❤️ @FunnyDogszk- Funny dogs 🐶🐶 episode 114 ❤️ #shorts,

Share!!-  Welcome to the Crotch Bitin'-Butt-n-The Face, Winter Edition!!


Perry Stone- You Have Been Warned | Perry Stone ⚠️PROPHETIC WARNING⚠️

Please Share It!!


Monday, March 18, 2024

🔥Bold Believers🔥 Rapture Revealed- RAPTURE in 2024? Full Timeline: No One Will Be Ready For This...

Beyond Share Worthy!!

I am completely enthralled and enamored by this Video. I mean, it breaks all and everything down into a Sharable synopsis just about anybody on all the many levels and journeys we all walk as Believers can comprehend. I am so impressed!!


,🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @PettLove- Most EXPENSIVE #cat at Breeds 💰 🐱 #pets


OpenmindedThinker Show- If This Was Not Recorded Nobody Would Believe It (Netanyahu Has Failed) ⚠️PROPHETIC WARNING⚠️

A Must Share!! 

FULL STOP- Were you aware that Netanyahu, had proposed to give away so much of Israel? I feel duped and I've stood behind this man! Ain't No Mountain High Enough that My GOD can't topple it or them!!

⚡The More You Know⚡ @Nickjfreitas- The “Watergate Argument” for the existence of God. He makes a good point!!

So Good Ya Gotta Share!! Just Beyond Compelling!!


❤️Just Smile❤️ @ShawnRyanClips- Comedian John Crist Jokes About Pastor Parking 😂


Rapture Watchers- False Claims that Shook up The Thessalonians are Being Repeated in Our Generation! - Pastor JD Farag

Thanks for Sharing!!  😈End Times Behavior😈


Sunday, March 17, 2024

🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @animaldiary-bs9se- A couple adopted a blind tiger that grew up to possess. #shortvideo #Tiger #Blindness #shortsHealing


🔥Bold Believers🔥 RMBC HebrewClub #230: "His Book, His Story"

C'mon Now, A Must Share!!


Aliyah Return Center- (Day 162) Swords of Iron- “For Such A Time As This”

Just Gotta Share It!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @raventreeranch- Pete gets a swift correction by Judge after happening upon unexpected goat


🎬Sunday Movies🎬 Above Majestic (Full Movie) The Secret Space Program and more...☢️Just Crazy☢️

Simply Put; Sharing is Caring!!- 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

A little off Topic, but, a necessary Evil, as they say. Things are getting weirder and weirder every single day!!


☢️Just Crazy☢️ laowhy86- 's- Inside China Disturbing Death Vans - They're Real, Common, and Very Scary (Unseen Footage) ⛔End Times Warning⛔

I Advise Sharing!! This is beyond Disturbing, but, FACTUALLY TRUE! Coming to A Neighborhood Near You!! 
🤡End Times Crazies🤡


psimonel- Acta Pilate (Letter of Pilate to Caesar about Jesus, His Crucifixion & Resurrection) - ARCHKO VOL.

Please Share!!


Saturday, March 16, 2024

☢️END TIME ALERT☢️ @IsraelDefenseForces- First Hand Account of Combat in Gaza from a Future IDF Office


Real Divine TransformationI- IF IT WASN'T FILMED NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE IT! - The Spiritual World is REAL! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Thanks for Sharing!! 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌


Whaddo You Meme??- The HORRIFYING Secret The P*rn Industry is hiding 😈End Times Behavior😈

Can You Share It???-- Viewer Discretion Advised!!  
⛔End Times Warning⛔ 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Did you know that the U.S. is the leader in the Production and Viewing of Pornography. Sadly, we are also the leader in Kiddie Porn as well. Even worse, if that's possible is the Statistic nothing that the Human Sex Trafficking Industry has outgrown even the Sale of Arms.

Demon Stranglehold-  It is proven time and again that deviance will prevail in a place which does not have The Holy Spirit. Meaning, without God, YOU don't stand a chance once you open the Doors to Pornography whether you're the one Performing; like on OnlyFans, some other Site or conversely, you're the person, in the audience watching.

Yes, once you've opened this Gateway, it can, more often than not, become a rather heinous, no-holds-barred Addiction. And, it's been proven that, most of the time, the Content that you were Watching, at the jump, is far less odious and gets progressively worse. It's like a Cancer; It spreads and takes over your thought processes, even interrupting your thoughts, i.e., at work, etc. 

Good Ol' Serial Killer, Ted Bundy, granted a last Interview to the Authorities, right before his Execution for the Sexual Crimes committed and it was beyond "Telling!" He smiled, broadly, and let it fly stating that had it not been for the Porn Mags, readily available to him, he didn't know if he'd have done much of what he did. And, he vehemently and readily admitted that he could remember how he had progressed from Soft to Hard Porn and then hungered for more "Down-n-Dirty Content." 

In other words, before he left that question and answer session, just days before his Execution, he readily admitted that he required, more or less an Underground, Black Market flair to his Porn and his acquiescence ending, or actually had grown into Violent tendencies. To put it any other way would be difficult to specify, but, suffice it to say, this man and many like him, well, it's ALL DEMONIC!! 

They say that there are between 25-50 Serial Killers. in the U.S., running around, at any given time and of course, on a larger scale Worldwide. It's enough to say that in this World, in these End Times, things and behavior have only increased and become outrageously dangerous. And, I do not anticipate it getting any better nor for our landscape to right itself without Jesus!

And, if you find yourself progressing down that long path to Porno Hell, because NO, you cannot Hide, I Pray that you'll simply realize that there is Power in the Blood and you plead it. There is Power in The Name and you say it, it will deliver you. But, most of all, I Pray that YOU realize that Christ Died for THESE SINS too, you need simply to Ask Jesus to Forgive you. Most of all, The Time is Now as things are about to get really bad, but, I Pray that you'll see, feel and know the Love, Jesus has for you, that it's real and it's ready to envelope you and Change Your Life!!


⚡The More You Know⚡ Morbid Facts (Parts 1-3) Con Spiracy on TikTok

Maybe Share It???


⚡The More You Know⚡ @SundayCoolTees- Ep.68 Man discovered free energy??

Shareable, Right???- The Man that Invented a Vehicle that ran, simply on water, he was, as they say, "UnAlived" and all his Research Disappeared!! Just imagine the Impact that definition would have made, if you no longer had to purchase Petrol, Gasoline, Oil and the lot???
🤡End Times Crazies🤡


❤️Just Smile❤️@rxckstx- Don’t Look Up There! - RxCKSTxR Comedy Voiceover


TBN Israel- Israel CRACKS DOWN on West Bank Weapons Smuggling; Iran INFLAMING Mideast Tensions

Worth Sharing!!


Friday, March 15, 2024

🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @freespiritequestrian- The Most Beautiful Horse Running in the Snow ❄️🐴


2024 Devil Comet, Eclipse, & Blood Moon Rust? What’s Going On?!



Rapture Watchers- We are Very Near the End of this Age! Be Encouraged - Bro Tyler Generation2434

Always Share!!


🤡End Times Crazies🤡 Hamas hostage Judith Raanan: Nurses in Gaza ‘cheered’ as she arrived

Share!  😈End Times Behavior😈


🔥Bold Believers🔥 RockIslandBooks,- 2024: Mystery of the 4th Day on the LORD'S 1000 Years for a Day Calendar.

Please Share It!!

❤️Just Smile❤️ @CatsAndLaughs- Funny cats 😂 episode 176 #shorts

A Little LOUD, But, Share Worthy!!


🔥Bold Believers🔥 Sling and Stone- Yahweh - a Demon Storm god of the Desert the Israelites were TRICKED into Believing | Demon Demiurge 😈End Times Behavior😈

Yes Lord, Share This!!  💥Rapture 2024💥



You Should Share!!


Thursday, March 14, 2024

⚡The More You Know⚡ @Con_Spiracy- WHAT happened to the man who invented movies?! #morbidfacts #shorts


From Games to God- FOUNDATION SERIES: The Millennial Calendar

Should You Share It???


King Luxury- New Discovery After Jacob Rothschild's Death Changes Everything 😈End Times Behavior😈

A Must Share!!

For all intent and purpose, it seems to me that Jacob Rothchild, recently Deceased, is quaking in his Boots, standing in front of Our Lord God!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 Daily Mail- Zoo Keeper Saves Drowning Orangutan

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💡Just Interesting 💡 @YoutubeNetFlex- Big fails 😂😂😂

Share It! - I must admit, every single time I see or hear a Fart Joke, it is then that it is reiterated upon me...just how juvenile I still am, tehe!!


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Governments Prepare for the Rapture Resurrection Global Disaster! Bunkers Being Activated! ,⛔End Times Warning⛔

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

,⚡The More You Know⚡ Liberal Hivemind!- Based Sheriff just EXPOSED Joe Biden!!! 😈End Times Behavior😈

Don't Ya Wanna Share???😈End Times Behavior😈

Will I be Reprimanded for my disdain of the Lying, Conniving Vulture of a little man, that of none other than US Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas???



Important to Share!!


Scriptures Illustrator- Something Strange Is Happening To DEMONS Worldwide! ⛔End Times Warning⛔

So Good to Share, Right??? ,😈End Times Behavior😈


⚡The More You Know⚡ @Con_Spiracy- They do WHAT when they mate with each other?! #natur


RockIslandBooks- 2024: Prophetic Overview. Messianic Sabbatical Timeline. Where are we on the Lord's Calendar? ⚠️PROPHETIC WARNING⚠️

You Really Should Share!!


CJ Lovik - 2024: Mystery of the Blessed Hope

This is A Must Share!!


TInner Vision- Tucker Carlson: "Please watch these 15 minutes to understand the TRUTH..."

Watch & Share!!


Emmanuel Romanous- Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on Why Churches "Go Woke" ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Go Ahead & Share It!! 😈End Times Behavior😈
Have you noticed how these miscreant's have Hijacked any and all references such as being "Woke" as opposed to "Being Awake" and so on? But, they can HAVE this World. I'm outta here!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 @Discover.Unseens- The Truth About Silverback Gorilla 🦍 Silverback Gorilla Facts #short


reallygraceful- Something STRANGE Is Happening in the USA 😈End Times Behavior😈

You Should Share, Right??? 😈End Times Behavior😈

Just a Peek Back for Your Viewing Pleasure!!
First, allow me to insert that I am always impressed with Videos from reallygraceful. She packs a punch in every Video!!

#1 The  Brooklyn Chabad Center- 

There are several Sects, different Factions which all live in Brooklyn. It is a very large contingent, substantial enough so that in Crown Heights, for example, they have their own Police Force. This means that if a Crime happens in that arena, NYPD will not respond or be called, per se, except where a Death has occurred and it must be Recorded. The fact that these Tunnels were found and subsequently covered over or filled in by Cement, speaks to the separations of people, Sects, etc. My Doctor grew up there and his Father still lives in Crown Heights!

#2 The Miami UAP, Alien Agenda- 

The FACT that, probably 70+ Squad Cars Responded to that Miami Mall for a supposed incidence where "Teens were Fighting," well, if it's not the biggest load of gunk we've ever been served, I just can't imagine. And, I have yet to hear the WHOLE Story, but, I can state, unequivocally that that kettle of fish stinks to high Heaven! I have seen Footage of, from the day before and a UAP/UFO in the Sky, flying rather low right behind the Mall. There was no doubt that it absolutely was a UAP. Then day two, we have Footage, shot by different individuals and if you were to ask me, it looked like it was recoded on a Flip-Phone or something? Did they, in all essence, "Jam" the frequencies, rendering the Footage to be grainy, at best? So many questions, still NO answers!

#3 The Alaska in Flight Fiasco-

I have my very own opinion concerning the Airline Industry, here parked sideways in the End of Days. What I believe and what I can prove, on almost all things, well, it's beyond frustrating as well as the bane of my own existence. Point being that I truly hold the, "out there" premise that in that Industry, lies a Bees Nest, but, the Bees are really Demonic Bees BUZZING about! Yes, sounds rather out there, huh? So, my premise or analyzation is based upon readily observed actions and behaviors.

Let's start with the blunders, just as of recent days. Doors have popped open, Engines catching Fire, midair and in the arena of Military botches, at least two Helicopters have Crashed in recent memory. You see, because they have Slave Labor over there in China, whereby we can get ALL THINGS on the Cheap, well, "Ya get what ya Pay for!" And, for China, it's all coming back to bite us in the bum, which tickles them to death. It's all a well sorted plan of Hate & Revenge!

If that's not enough for you, ponder my next supposition. From Flight Attendants to Big Feeling Ticket Agents coiled up, sweetly, ready to pounce, there in every Airport across the Nation, get ready for Power Plays of these Booking Agents as well as Flight Attendants. See, We're taught Lord Acton's axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. And, bet your buttons, these miserable men and women get to take out there frustrations on those chosen, willy nilly, that they can Toy with and sic the Air Marshals, Airport Security or City Police upon. Now more than ever, it happens, on the daily in every Airport and Plane, at least in the U.S. of A. every day! Yes, Kids, the Power Players have risen up and their kicking arse and taking names!

But, don't be fooled; Your average America Joe/Josephine has become a Monster in their own right. One bit of agitation, one act of even accidentally stepping on toes happens and it's Fight Club, No Holed Barred! Yes, people have lost their ever lovin' minds. 

Now, if you happen to be in the vicinity of a crazed "Karen" as they're now called, standing in front of a Stewardess, oops, Flight Attendant, suddenly at loggerheads, well, put on your Safety Glasses, cover your face and plug your ears as the blood is surely to be boiled and simmered about. Try not to get any on ya, k? Yepper, people come to blows over and quarrel about the simplest affair! It's as ugly as all sin, but suffice it to say, it's in every nook and cranny of our Society, now and until our Lord and Savior Rights the Wrongs in all regards!!

So Sick of The Sycophants. Just Sayin'!!


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Satan Hates Me & Mine

Satan Hates Me & Mine. Last Night, our Internet went down and was down till, through great struggle and strife, we were able to get a new Router and Modem late today. It was down till late this afternoon, but, I wasn't even Home since the early Morn as I traveled 2 Hours to a Specialist with one of my Sons. He's gonna Live to Fight another day, no thanks to The Accuser. 

See, when you've been a great Soldier for Satan and his camp, when you leave, you don't get to just walk away. Oh no, he Hates your Guts now more so than others. But, we ain't a feared, as they say because we're Covered by The Blood of The Lamb. That does not mean, however, that we don't know or ever get to forget he's right there, hoping we'll Cuss out the Lord. Nope, ain't happening!! Have a Blessed Night!

Monday, March 11, 2024

WTCat- Questionable Cat Decisions 👄Smile O'Gram👄

Send a  👄Smile O'Gram👄 to someone YOU Love!!


Sky News Australia- Lefties losing it: Rally takes ‘nasty turn’ after protester misgendered 😈End Times Behavior😈

Ode to Sharing!!


❤️Just Smile❤️ @CatsAndLaughs -‧Funny cats 😂 episode 168 ,❤️ #shorts,


April 8th Eclipse Continues to Reveal New Information! Rapture Resurrection! ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Kindly Share It!!


ecrusymphony- CONNECTING the RAPTURE DOTS -- SPRING 2024 (Shroud of Turin, Nineveh, Taurus + The 15 Sign)! ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Glean & Share!!