Tuesday, April 16, 2024

❌Just Nuts❌ Inside Edition-- Uber Driver Fatally Shot by Alleged 81-Year-Old Scam Victim

Share it, K???   😈End Times Behavior😈

I really want you to see, as well as anyone I hope you share this with, just how sick and deranged Society has become. And, my intention is to Post a Video a day that shows or rather is PROOF we are in the Terminal Generation! I mean, I can see why that old Fella was scared and thought that maybe this Lady was going to kill him, but, my goodness, what a nasty business that was. Let's Pray that he can see the err of HIS ways and, well, only Jesus Christ, Himself will know how to maneuver in this Case. And, only Jesus will know and guide the Judge on the matter of Mercy. Right!!


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