Thursday, April 25, 2024

✅Just Ingenious✅ S4C-- Midweek Study "2024 Bible Accuracy & End Times" 👀End Times Destruction/Judgement👀

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Most interesting, in the Paperwork; Treaty of Sèvres was a 1920 treaty signed between the Allies of World War I and the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty was signed on August 10,1920. Normally, the terminology of "No Man's Land" was associated with World War I to describe the area of land between two enemy trench systems, not controlled by either side. And, it was in this Agreement or Treaty between the Ottoman Turks that Israel would be considered a "No Man's Land," for a certain number or period of so many years. Again, the Officials were using that exact terminology!   Ain't our God Great? 

Strangely, on another note, our favorite Storyteller, Mark Twain in the tail end of the 1900s, visited Israel on a Press Junket for the Newspaper he often wrote for. In terrible need of money, Twain found himself in a less than habitable, Desert abode. Purviewing the Landscape, he wrote;

On PalestineA desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action.... We never saw a human being on the whole route.... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

Perplexed, Twain then begged the question as to how ANYBODY could contest anyone else, no matter whom, for this Plot of Land? Well, in a few short years, the People took Israel from a piece of sandy barren, rubbish and turned it into one of the greatest Exporters in the World for Flowers, just for starters. 

It tickled me to remember the Carousal of Pictures, my Parents brought back fresh from Israel. It was 1972-73 and they'd taken a Church group over, one of their first of countless Pilgrimages for many, several who were Messianic Jews. It was a big deal to countless Christians and Jews alike. 

My Parents were enthusiastically emphasizing  just how Israel's Irrigation Systems, their baby, was a Game-Changer. Before I was let off the hook as you can imagine for a 14 year old cringing or chomping at the bit watching Travel shots, my Parents imparted some wisdom upon me which has obviously stuck. Yes, 51+ years later, I distinctly remember my Dad pointing out what I was seeing in the last slide as he said, "And, The Fig Trees are Blossoming just as it Prophesied. The End Times are upon us!" I just laughed out loud as I remember his particular smile, God Rest his Soul!!

❌Just Nuts❌ The same term, "No Man's Landwas later used as the name for the piece of land outside the north wall of London that was assigned as the place of execution. Ouch, it might leave a mark, huh???


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