Monday, April 29, 2024

⚡The More You Know⚡ Chat With Me Linda B-- Thomas Sowell On The Obamas: What They Actually Did!!!

A MUST Share!!

A "Level playing field," huh? Something opened my eyes, a while back, was it The Holy Spirit? I used to watch a lot of Crime Shows, i.e., Dateline, 48 Hours, 20/20 and, if you're aware, you'd notice the vast majority of Black Judges, etc. My point is and I say this readily; I am NOT a Racist. But, I am a "Truther" and I can see the Spin Doctors so very hard at work doing their very best to make us believe that the Black Man is held down. So, I submit, as evidence for the contrary; If we're such White Supremacist's, how do you allow for having a Black President? I do, quite actually believe it's more "Selection" rather than Election per se, but, it was and stood for 8 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, as they say!!


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