Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Abba Christian Center-- HOWARD PITMAN Parts One & Two 🌺Yes, He's My Jesus🌺

Please Find Time to Share!!--
I've not even finished these Videos myself, and, yet, it resonated enough with me that I wanted to include YOU in this warm, effortless, and, very real Testimony of this, now, Elderly Gentleman from the Deep South. I don't know about you, but, walking through The Valley of The Shadow of Death seems less spine-chilling. My ONLY HOPE, as of today is that I am able to finish The Race and experience our Rapture, our Blessed Hope! I sincerely Pray, this will cordially and ardently enhance YOUR spirit as it has Mine. Amen!!

 HOWARD PITMAN Part 1  ,✅ Whole Armor of God ✅ HOWARD PITMAN Part 2


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