Thursday, April 11, 2024

History Makers TV-- The original musical notes found in the Old Testament, played right before your eyes!


In one of the non-Canonical Books, and I cannot remember which, it states that Satan was in Charge of Musical Worship. It further states that Satan's Ribs were even created in the shape of a Harp or maybe it was the Psaltery? Crazy, huh?

Furthermore and even crazier yet, it is distinctly said, that Rapper, Kanye West, paid a cool Million to some Fella, James Turrell  ㎒  that lived near Area 51 and knows about Portals. This guy or, Master of Disaster, showed Kanye, that if he played certain Notes, a certain Mega-Hertz,  ㎒ it would cause the Human Mind & Body to respond, usually or rather unusually open to Demonic repression and suggestibility. 

Unequivocally, a specific  ㎒ played, causes the Body to respond, thus, most of us feel a certain repose when listening. I am taken back, especially when needed most, to happier times, i.e. 60s-70s Music as Life was still somewhat innocent, at least for me. But even guilt-free, or so we thought, the Music in todays, Terminal Generation is now weaponized. In other words, people, Illuminati Jokers, Satanic Sadists, the Ugly People and their Minions, planned to get to people, to "own them" per se, all through the musical genre of mostly Rap. Oddly enough, they say it all began with Jazz? Satan truly and wholeheartedly HATES us!

I think it important to note, that Kanye was so impressed by Turrell, and his understanding of ㎒ that Kanye Dedicated his Album cover Art in complete and utter Homage. Surprisingly, it states in the Article, in the "Architects Newspaper," that , "...  fans were still surprised last January to learn that he (Kanye) donated $10 million towards the completion  of JamesTurrell‘s Roden Crater, a series of tunnels and experiential spaces burrowed into a dormant volcano in the painted deserts of northern Arizona."

Thus, it may very well be self-evident that Kanye's in Love with Turrell, as his Album's Cover  Art, pictured below, is of the Portal Turrell showed Kanye West. And, what's the Great Rub in all this? Kanye or Yeezy as his Besties call him, supposedly Recorded the Album IN the Portal! Wanna see some truly despicable, ugly Shoes for the Ugly People, Click that Yeezt Link! I do present the supposition that Satan owns the Corner where Music and Man collide. 

It seems, almost, the answer to an Age Old question; Why are we so affected, first by Worship of The Father through Music? And, secondly, but, in last place; Why are they, so many young people, today, this, the Terminal Generation Z, why are they especially, addicted to this Rap as it's what they call the Schlub Crap Music today? 

I felt really, feebly old when I said, aloud, when that garbage, I mean Rap came on the Radio, and I lamented aloud, to my Sons, "This stuff is awful. They just throw some words out there along with guttural sounds and call it Music, ugg!" Satan has the Corner Market on this, for sure. And, well, it only makes me want to be Raptured even more so than ever before. How 'bout you???  💥Rapture 2024💥
Yes, I am aware that I very well may have just ruined the pleasantness of the original Video. Sorry!!


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