Sunday, April 14, 2024

History Inside-- What Happened To The Wives of Nazi Leaders After World War 2?

It's Best to Share!!

What is it about the Nazi's that fascinates me? I don't think fascinates is the word befitting the scenario except to say, I really do believe that it's all coming again. As it says, "There's nothing new under the Sun, I do believe this'll be an excellent, yet excruciating example! 

Beyond intriguing is the Story of Esther and how the 10 Sons of Haman were Hung. The scaffolding already built, for 10 Men, forgets that, the youngest of Haman's children was a daughter. That 11th Child, Haman's daughter kills herself the very night before her Brothers are Hung. 

Flip the Mirror'd image, speed forward many many years and drop the Lens into Nuremberg where  you have the 11th and possibly most prolific Nazi Leader, sitting, nervously fidgeting. Hermann Göring, is then seen biting the Cyanide capsule the very night before all 10 Men were Hung...

Good riddance to bad rubbish!!

The kicker, for me, at least, was the explicit knowledge that Göring was a rather prolific Crossdresser. It is said that he was known to wear Women's Panties beneath his very snazzy, pressed Nazi Uniform. And, it is said that he was wearing Panties when they found his Body. 

By the way, they don't know how Göring got the glass Cyanide capsule as he was under constant US Army Guard Duty. Duly noted, but most surely denied, one of his Guards, at the time of Göring's Suicide was reported to be wearing Göring's solid Gold Watch, apparently Gifted to the Guard by the Nazi Leader. It was further stated that the two men had a mutual admiration...Besties in Hell...or so I hear!!


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