Tuesday, April 2, 2024

End Times Productions- Strange Events at CERN on The April 8th Solar Eclipse | Solar Eclipse Prophecy ☢️Just Crazy☢️

A Must Share!!  🤡End Times Crazies🤡

I am of the belief that something's about to happen, especially on 4/8/24. Whether it'd be a Black Swan Event or, (whatever Conspiracy Theory YOU ascribe to, lol?) We can Hope & Pray what comes to mind (via The Holy Spirit!) it's about to get either truly crazy or, my preference; A Beautiful Rapture Event! Bar none, you should be prepared with, at least a few days of Food/Water and so on and NO, I am NOT telling you to buy that Bucket of Food for your Family, you know the one which'll last 25 years! But, I do think it's smart, in any event to have a a few things you can rely on. You get it, right? In any case, the very worst thing that could happen is, once we're gone, a starving Father comes along and finds it, your Food and can feed his Family? My goodness, I wish people would realize the peril which awaits!!


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