Friday, November 3, 2023

The Israel Guys- 165 Nations Want the DEATH of the State of ISRAEL, God Help Us All... 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

For Goodness Sake- Share It!! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

The very last Cease-Fire, I remember it and Hamas on that very next day began sending these balloon like Lantern things, like you might see at a wedding that had some kind of purposeful incendiary mechanism. When they began landing, these Balloon things, they started Fires. As well, Hamas began shooting through holes in the Fence, hitting #IDF Soldiers. How many times before had they called a Cease-Fire, with Israel even giving them more Land, even then they're NEVER happy. And, the very FACT that 165 Nations would Vote against Israel, in the face of clear-cut butchery and barbarism, well, it only speaks to the hour we are in Eschatologically today! Bring it on...I Stand With Israel!!


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