Tuesday, November 28, 2023

CROWING ROOSTER PROPHESY.com- Noah's 1 Week Warning !

Time is Short- Share It!

Over and over lately, the Eschatological Headlines have been that today, Nov. 28th is paramount to The Rapture of The Church. Now, I don't know about you, but, I am beyond ready to leave, in fact, most of the time, IT IS ALL I THINK ABOUT!! Now, I do not nor can I state completely or unequivocally that Nov. 25th was the exact date that The Father instructed Noah to enter the Ark. However, I do know, with a fair amount of certitude that that Date is sure enough close to the target! Yes, it was The Father that told Noah to Enter the Ark, exactly 7 days before the Flood began and it was The Father who closed the Window, and, sealed it up nice and tight. So, did our Lord give a 7 Day WARNING, then, and is it possible He is shouting out a WARNING now? 
There is nothing new under the Sun!!


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