Friday, November 24, 2023

Kap Chatfield- Joe Rogan talks about DEMONS and GHOSTS on his podcast

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I live about a 1/2 hour from Lily Dale, THE Psychic/Medium Capital of the World. And, somehow, you can feel the EVIL that permeates the air as you drive by the road to enter into this Community in Cassadaga, N.Y. So, I went there back in 1997 (?) and, as I look back at the experience, I am certain that it is/was a completely, utterly Demonic encounter. I can see now that Satan gives these Mediums hints of Truth so they can reel you in on and for many levels. Remember back in the day, people such as Sylvia Brown, John Edwards or even the likes of such charlatans as the "Long Island Medium" they always had a pinch of Truth mixed in with their "Guessing Game" persona so as to conjure Demonic Spirits which is exactly what happens when you "Ask The Dead" to speak with YOU!! 

Living a mantra of, "I must Learn ALL, in Life the Hard Way," Prison is the University you're sent to to either grow in the Lord, learning a great Lesson or one which Teaches you how to be a better Criminal. I mean, when I came out in 2003, I stated that, "You go into Prison and then come out, one of two ways; Bitter of Blessed. As for me, it was a Gift I Prayed for as I was in an extremely volatile, domestically violent relationship as well as living with Addiction. So, having broken the 'Chain of Custody', when I left Prison, I was beyond Blessed!" 

But, my 3 1/2 years at the Prestigious Academy, an eclectic Educational Institution at the State Penitentiary in Pa., if nothing else, gave me a PhD on the Aromachology or the Olfactory notion of EVIL. Beyond real, I have met and married the worst of the worst and bet your bottom dollar, I can smell that said Evil a mile away. And, one of the greatest disservices that the Church  is criminally negligent of is to downplay the true nature of The Beast. Just as the Best Selling Book, (my Mother made me read) by Hal Lindsey is called, "Satan is Alive & Well on Planet Earth," so too, is the ever present narration of our every day life in 2023. 

It is getting worse by the day. You need only to read the NY Post and you'll read the insanity that perpetrates our once bucolic existence. I mean, every few minutes now, somewhere, simply in N.Y., someone is Stabbed just for the heck of it, Robbed just for amusement , Raped like it's a prerequisite to male existence in 2023 and Murder like it's simply for the "Thrill of The Kill!" Then, we have the worst day in recent memory for the Nation of Israel, this past Oct. 7th. Simply add the harrowing behavior of all these idiot Palestinian Protesters, Police MUST NOT ENGAGE!! the J6 Lies, the nonsense at the Border. And, you MUST then ask yourself this extremely pertinent question; "What in the Sam Hill is going on?

Well, my Friend, if you're asking me why and how all this nonsensical stuff is happening, I'd quickly declare , "The Father has us exactly where He wants us! Speaking Prophetically , we've NEVER been closer to our Blessed Hope! As for Me & Mine, we Pray that both You & Yours are found Worthy to escape ALL that is coming to this God-forsaken World. As far as I'm concerned, I can't wait to be Raptured out of this Hell-hole and I'm so excited that the only way you might recognize me in Heaven is; I'll be the one zipping by, Hair on Fire exclaiming, "Finally, Thank You, Jesus!!"


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