Tuesday, November 21, 2023

God Talk- Mosquitoes, Deadly Plague & Dragonflies

A Must Share!! 

I remember hearing this Story several years ago on a Show with Steve Quayle and had a great impact on me. Tonight I saw a Doc on Dragonflies and it caused me to remember this Miracle. Now, I live right on the Chadakoin River and Mosquitoes are a regular Customer, Spiders too. However, well, it started with me Praying away the Spiders I think, but, soon after, I began seeing all these Dragonflies outside, enough so that I had to walk slowly, cautiously as they were afoot everywhere. And, it used to be that we had Spiders throughout and we'd get all this nickels sized Spiders on the side of our House every year, but, not anymore. Thank You, Jesus!!


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