Tuesday, November 28, 2023

God's Roadmap to the End- Project Looking Glass: Knowing What will Happen on November 27th 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

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I do realize that we've missed the mark, per se, with this, but, we can still garner kernels of Wisdom. If you find that "Kernel" I'd love it if you shared with the rest of the Class, lol!!


CROWING ROOSTER PROPHESY.com- Noah's 1 Week Warning !

Time is Short- Share It!

Over and over lately, the Eschatological Headlines have been that today, Nov. 28th is paramount to The Rapture of The Church. Now, I don't know about you, but, I am beyond ready to leave, in fact, most of the time, IT IS ALL I THINK ABOUT!! Now, I do not nor can I state completely or unequivocally that Nov. 25th was the exact date that The Father instructed Noah to enter the Ark. However, I do know, with a fair amount of certitude that that Date is sure enough close to the target! Yes, it was The Father that told Noah to Enter the Ark, exactly 7 days before the Flood began and it was The Father who closed the Window, and, sealed it up nice and tight. So, did our Lord give a 7 Day WARNING, then, and is it possible He is shouting out a WARNING now? 
There is nothing new under the Sun!!


Al-Jazeera lied about al-Aqsa

Please Share This-Important!! 

Don't you LOVE a good Historical Lecture? I know I can appreciate hearing the Truth!!


❤️Just Smile❤️- @BenShapiro- Ben Reacts to Theo Von


❤️Just Smile❤️- onetencrewfilms- Smartest Police Dog Ever!

Share It!!  ❤️Just Smile❤️


@keithelrod5555- The Holy Spirit #jesus #holyspirit #gospel #bible #god #faith #religion #christian #shorts #grace


Truth is Christ- URGENT! New Discovery in FIRST and LAST Verses of the King James Bible! [2023]

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I truly found this extraordinary!!


Monday, November 27, 2023

newnews, Psalm 83 set in motion = the season, now you can know the timing of the rapture.

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Somehow, this stands out to me!!

Timothy Alberino- Peru Alien Attack Expedition Report

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Not sure what to make of this except to say that Timothy Alberino lived in Peru for umpteen years and garners vast knowledge all manner of Eschatology, UFO/UAP's, etc. By the way, one of the greatest minds, one which was a colleague of Timothy Alberino, Dr. Thomas Horn, has passed on (lucky guy!). Brilliant as well as a talented writer, so also working with Dr. Thomas Horn, Steve Quayle and Timothy Alberino wrote a Series of excellent Books and then Videos, i.e.;

Just throwing this out there, but, did you know that the Demonic Capital is supposedly the Amazon!!


Sling and Stone- Allah is SATAN Connected to BAAL Worship and The Antichrist OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE

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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spit the Truth- Nick Freitas- Enough. I have had it.

You Should Share This One!! 

I just Love It when they Spit the Truth!!


CraigSD- Barbra Streisand Sings Hatikvah and Talks to Golda Meir

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I used to LOVE Barbra Streisand. I mean, there was a time when I would've paid dearly to go to one of her Concerts. Now though, you might have to Pay me! I find her and her outspoken Liberalism as UGLY as it gets! Such a shame from such a brilliant and talented woman!! And, then there was Golda Meir. I thought and still do think she was beyond luminescent. She was a key, in 1948 to  the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 and later served as its fourth prime minister from '69-'74. I have learned that she was a Labor Zionist which I understand is similar to Socialism. I will not hold it against her, lol!!


Friday, November 24, 2023

Kap Chatfield- Joe Rogan talks about DEMONS and GHOSTS on his podcast

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I live about a 1/2 hour from Lily Dale, THE Psychic/Medium Capital of the World. And, somehow, you can feel the EVIL that permeates the air as you drive by the road to enter into this Community in Cassadaga, N.Y. So, I went there back in 1997 (?) and, as I look back at the experience, I am certain that it is/was a completely, utterly Demonic encounter. I can see now that Satan gives these Mediums hints of Truth so they can reel you in on and for many levels. Remember back in the day, people such as Sylvia Brown, John Edwards or even the likes of such charlatans as the "Long Island Medium" they always had a pinch of Truth mixed in with their "Guessing Game" persona so as to conjure Demonic Spirits which is exactly what happens when you "Ask The Dead" to speak with YOU!! 

Living a mantra of, "I must Learn ALL, in Life the Hard Way," Prison is the University you're sent to to either grow in the Lord, learning a great Lesson or one which Teaches you how to be a better Criminal. I mean, when I came out in 2003, I stated that, "You go into Prison and then come out, one of two ways; Bitter of Blessed. As for me, it was a Gift I Prayed for as I was in an extremely volatile, domestically violent relationship as well as living with Addiction. So, having broken the 'Chain of Custody', when I left Prison, I was beyond Blessed!" 

But, my 3 1/2 years at the Prestigious Academy, an eclectic Educational Institution at the State Penitentiary in Pa., if nothing else, gave me a PhD on the Aromachology or the Olfactory notion of EVIL. Beyond real, I have met and married the worst of the worst and bet your bottom dollar, I can smell that said Evil a mile away. And, one of the greatest disservices that the Church  is criminally negligent of is to downplay the true nature of The Beast. Just as the Best Selling Book, (my Mother made me read) by Hal Lindsey is called, "Satan is Alive & Well on Planet Earth," so too, is the ever present narration of our every day life in 2023. 

It is getting worse by the day. You need only to read the NY Post and you'll read the insanity that perpetrates our once bucolic existence. I mean, every few minutes now, somewhere, simply in N.Y., someone is Stabbed just for the heck of it, Robbed just for amusement , Raped like it's a prerequisite to male existence in 2023 and Murder like it's simply for the "Thrill of The Kill!" Then, we have the worst day in recent memory for the Nation of Israel, this past Oct. 7th. Simply add the harrowing behavior of all these idiot Palestinian Protesters, Police MUST NOT ENGAGE!! the J6 Lies, the nonsense at the Border. And, you MUST then ask yourself this extremely pertinent question; "What in the Sam Hill is going on?

Well, my Friend, if you're asking me why and how all this nonsensical stuff is happening, I'd quickly declare , "The Father has us exactly where He wants us! Speaking Prophetically , we've NEVER been closer to our Blessed Hope! As for Me & Mine, we Pray that both You & Yours are found Worthy to escape ALL that is coming to this God-forsaken World. As far as I'm concerned, I can't wait to be Raptured out of this Hell-hole and I'm so excited that the only way you might recognize me in Heaven is; I'll be the one zipping by, Hair on Fire exclaiming, "Finally, Thank You, Jesus!!"


The Israel Guys- Why A Ceasefire With HAMAS Is A TRAGIC MISTAKE | EPISODE #2

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I'll tell you what; When and if Hillary Clinton, on Film, sides with Israel and, basically Conservative values, you'd better bet your bum that you need to listen and find an Exit Strategy! I know this much, I am against a Cease-Fire because I have seen the advantageous way Hamas does not nor ever follows through on their end of the deal. I believe it happened in the very last Cease-Fire they implemented and Hamas, on the very same day, began shooting through the fence at IDF Soldiers as well as launching these Lanterns capable of starting Fires in a parched area. NO, these rotten, nefarious, Hell-Bent Bozos are NOT by any way, shape, or form being accommodating. In fact, brace yourselves for The Real Deal!!


Ayn Rand Institute- Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land?

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Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to force Chinese company to sell Arkansas farmland

Make 'Em Aware- Share It!!

This Site does not normally include such an Agenda or subject matter. However, I think it important to note that this is going on in the U.S. As well, just in case you're not privy, a few months ago, a Scientific Lab in California was found out because a Code Enforcement Officer who was on top of the program, and, he saw a Hose sticking out from the side of the Building through a small hole. It seemed abandoned so they acquired a Search Warrant and gained access to this large unassuming Building. Once inside, they found Labeled Viruses, Lab Rats/Mice capable of transmitting C-19, Ebola, etc. along with a host of Data, all in Chinese. They connected the dots and found an absolute affiliation leading to none other than China.

As well, did you happen to know that the Pork Company, "Smithfield" was purchased several years ago by Chinese entities. So, in my book, what Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose Dad is the much respected (Ret.) Gov. Mike Huckabee (and now has a T.V. Show) is beyond important. Boy, do we need more people like Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders!


Ruslan KD- This is the most DEMONIC thing I've ever seen...



thelandofisrael- A Miracle in Gaza! Your Psalms Saved His Life! - Jeremy Gimpel

Please Share!!

Very Uplifting in a Time when we need it most!!


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

God Talk- Mosquitoes, Deadly Plague & Dragonflies

A Must Share!! 

I remember hearing this Story several years ago on a Show with Steve Quayle and had a great impact on me. Tonight I saw a Doc on Dragonflies and it caused me to remember this Miracle. Now, I live right on the Chadakoin River and Mosquitoes are a regular Customer, Spiders too. However, well, it started with me Praying away the Spiders I think, but, soon after, I began seeing all these Dragonflies outside, enough so that I had to walk slowly, cautiously as they were afoot everywhere. And, it used to be that we had Spiders throughout and we'd get all this nickels sized Spiders on the side of our House every year, but, not anymore. Thank You, Jesus!!


❤️Just Smile❤️ Angry Cops- The Taliban Patrols Kabul in Roller Blades... This is Real

Gotta Share!!

By the way, the Bio for this Channel  says;
"The funny ramblings of a Police Officer and Army Drill SGT" Is it at all funnier what comes to mind as I watched his skit Characters, that a whole faction of the LGBTQ are all about support of Hamas. That in and of itself is hilarious considering they Execute the Gays. Just Sayin'!


RockIslandBooks- Countdown to Eternity - Episode 1

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Sling and Stone- 3 Days of Darkness Prophecy 2023 and The Istanbul Black Cloud

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Monday, November 20, 2023

#S4C- Gods Word Controls The World 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Please Take Care-n-Share!!  🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


The Free Press- Voice From Gaza Ep. 10: A Palestinian Patient At Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital Tells Us What She Saw


Sling and Stone- What The World Was Like BEFORE The Flood

Make Sure to Share!!


Jameson kh- The Maori of New Zealand show support to Israel with the famous Haka dance


Hey, we LOVE ANYBODY that LOVES and SUPPORTS God's people. We Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem! And lastly, The Poster, someone held up in the audience read, "From The Sea to The River God Will Deliver!!" Amen, I like that much better!!


Friday, November 17, 2023

Real Live Faith- A God-Shaped Hole

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RMBC HEBREWCLUB #217: "God's word controls the world " 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Sharing is Kind!!  🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


The Israel Guys- EXPOSING Hamas For Who They REALLY Are | EPISODE #1

So Compelling-Please Share!! 

The Film, documentary, Confronting Radicals is to be Released sometime tomorrow. I will do what I can to Post it!!


@AleksStashko- APOSTLE PAUL VS MUHAMMAD⁉️😳#shorts #gospel #jesus #christianity #christian #faith #bible #islam


@Travelingisraelinfo- Free Palestine? No thanks! #israel #israelpalestineconflict


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Sling and Stone- ANOTHER TikToker Encounters a GIANT | Quartzville Oregon Giant Door

Can You Share, Please???


S4C- The Book Of Truth 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Can You Please Share???  🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


Aleks Stashko-THOUSANDS Of Christians Marching Through Portland - MUST WATCH


@BenShapiro- It's Their Responsibility The Islamophobia Lie


thelandofisrael- What You Don't Know- Israelis Have Secret Identities! -

Be Kind & Share!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Israel Guys- BREAKING: Israel Discovers Hamas Tunnel INSIDE Gaza Hospital

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I am Posting this so that you, yourselves, as well as anyone you speak with, so that you might unequivocally deny the blatant Lies that the Legacy Media is selling. The way they've spun their web of deceit and lies is to tell people that Israel, a Terrorist Organization themselves hasn't a care in the World for anybody but themselves. They'd tell you that they're killing off Gazans with great abandon which couldn't be further from the Truth. But, God The Father, HaShem, He knows the whole Truth as very soon ALL will know and Believe!


Two Stories from Nova Festival in Southern Israel

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You might find it redundant concerning my Postings about this Conflict/War. But, just last nite, an IDF Soldier stated that he couldn't tell the half of it, that it was just too cruel, heinous and Evil. He went on to say that it was things like, he'd seen Hamas Postings where they  were bragging, boasting about the fact that they'd cut a Baby out of the Uterus of an Israeli Hostage and then drug the Baby around by the umbilical Cord...before killing it. And, he went on to state that Video after Video showed the worst depravity of Human behavior such as they paraded women around Naked with Blood running down their legs. It seems they're beyond redemption, doesn't it?

J Street- Noam Cohen's story of survival during the horrific Hamas terror attack at the Nova Music Festival Combat Antisemitism Movement- Alon Marek Story His Story of Survival From the Attack at the Nova Festival in Southern Israel


Monday, November 13, 2023


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One America News Network- U.K. Government Demands Death of 8-Month-Old Girl

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I Post things, sometimes to simply point out, not so much the rhetoric, but, more so a burning commentary about the climate of today. It is only natural, for us to want to make sense of things, especially in a moral aspect, but, todays World makes little to no sense. And, just last night I was speaking to two of my Sons who were questioning the insidiousness of the Israeli-Gazan situation and it, again, occurred to me that God has the situation well in hand. As well, it has become crystal clear to me that The Father has allowed certain things, situations or scenarios to happen with the propensity for Evil to seemingly self-will run riot. However, in my maturity or old age if you like, I realize that The Father has things exactly on Schedule, right on Time as we, the Terminal Generation run this Race. See you in the End Zone!!


@tcphantomvfx- A rebuttal to a common Atheist Question @veracesmedia4832

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Quite profound, don't you think???


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

iheart yeshua- Do we have till the end of the Month?! 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

So Much to Share!!  🚨Rapture Alert🚨


lastcallflight777- the king is coming! stay ready!#gracethroughfaith 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Gotta Share It!!  🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨


MotoX4Christ- Update: Rapture watch: November 8th-14th 2023 - Feast of Tabernacles - Hamas surrounded in bunker🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Please Please Share It!! 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨


God's Roadmap to the End- A Prophetic Word with a Timely Message for November 9th 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Please Share These Two Videos!! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

It's been many many years since I first saw Pastor Ken Peters speak. He was a young Buck when he gave his first Testimony in the 80s concerning the Tribulation as he'd seen it in a Vision. The Video, below is from the 80s and there's NO WAY he could've known the things he expressed concerning Technology, way back then...IT DIDN'T EXIST YET! And, here we are all these years later and his Vision still resonates with me with  a knowing that it MUST be true. What is coming in the Tribulation is awful, but, those of us listening, we WILL escape ALL that is set to happen. I put the most current Video by God's Roadmap to the End up top which shows an older, more mature Ken Peters who went on to Pastor his own Church in California. He was there for many years until his Death on August 14, 2021. He just so happened to have an "Advanced Boarding Pass!"

Ken Peters (I Saw The Tribulation)

Invicta- The Siege of Masada (73 AD) - Last Stand of the Great Jewish Revolt

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For those of you that are History buffs, as am I, I found this extremely interesting. This occurred not too long after the Siege of The Israeli Temple in 70AD, which Christ Prophesied about. The crazy part in all this, in my opinion is when Jesus tells of not one stone will stand upon another, after the Siege. What I found out through Research is that the sole reason that the Romans sacked Jerusalem and it's Temple specifically is the very fact that between each and every Stone was Gold. Now, whether or not it was mixed in a Mortar or what, well, can you imagine how Solomon's Temple, just how it must've shimmered in the Sunlight? Fascinating!!

"Now as Jesus drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation. —Luke 19:41-44


Sling & Stone- Demonic Technology Companies #demonic


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Many Fishers- 11/11 Phoenix 88 OutaTime Hoover Dam Goat 444 Twin Towers 911

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I distinctly remember a few years ago, there was someone that Prophesied that the Hoover Dam would be Attacked and I believe it was everybody thought on 11/11 that year. But, too often people are given a Prophesy and it has a delay just as we are, right now, somewhat, in a "Holding Pattern" since the Revelation 12 Sign...or so we've thought? I find it rather interesting regardless and MANY are seeing or are being made aware of 11/11. We shall see, eh? Praise You, Lord Jesus!!


Monday, November 6, 2023

@BenShapiro- This Is What They Don’t Show Celebrities Speak Out on Israel

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 Such Lies!! See, the Legacy Media (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc.) does not show the Truth in any way, shape or form. Believe It or Not, there is a great number that would like nothing more than to see every single Israeli Citizen as well as any and ALL Jews across the World now, they'd like them ALL DEAD!! But, we have nothing to Fear and HaShem, The Father has everything and us exactly as prescribed and us, we are under the Shadow of His Wing!!


❤️Just Smile❤️- @CopHumor- Dogs Reaction Was Priceless 😂 #shorts

❤️Just Smile❤️ & Share It! 

Here at this Channel, we are huge Supporters of the Men & Women of the many and vast Agencies across the U.S. and especially all those as K-9 Handlers!!


Mike Harris- Pastor Phillip Barnett shares "Azovmena 1 Prophecy!" 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

You Must Share, Please!! 🚨Prophecy  Unfolding🚨

Wow, this is a Prophetic Tidal wave!! Sit up and pay attention, this is impactful!!


Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Watchman- This is Huge! Is This Man the Antichrist?

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Somehow, I doubt that Macron or even Trump for that matter is the Antichrist. Nah, although I do believe he's *Satan is Alive & Well on Planet Earth, I do not believe he's entered the World Stage. Soon, we shall see, right???

*This is a reference to an important Book by Hal Lindsey that my Parents assigned to me for Homework. Still resonates!!


RMBC HEBREWCLUB #215: PT2 "No More Fake News" 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

C'mon Guys, Please !!  🚨Rapture Alert🚨


Sling and Stone- Demonic Encounters are Happening and INCREASING Worldwide (November 2023) 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Did You Share Yet? 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


Prophecy Watchers- Trump Paralleling an Ancient Leader? | Jonathan Cahn

Time is So Short-Please Share!!


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sound Of The Trumpet- YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!! COME OUT FROM AMONGST THEM 🚨Rapture Warning🚨

This Hit the Nail on The Head- Share It!!  🚨Rapture Warning🚨


Forbes Breaking News- Thousands Of Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Protest In Washington, D.C. In Favor Of Gaza Ceasefire

We ALL Need to Share!! 🚨Prophetic Warning🚨

I include this, if nothing else so we might realize the lateness of the Hour, where exactly we stand in Bible Prophesy as well as just how insidious we, as a Nation have become. I saw equal parts, just as many people Demonstrating across a Bridge in NYC as well as in Europe. I'd be frightened if I didn't know what Time it is as well as the FACT that I read and read again the ending to the Great Book, the Bible. Soon, Hamas will be no more!!


S4C- Midweek Bible Study "No More Fake News" 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

You Should Share This!!  🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨


S4C- Rapture Day, Where Will You Be? Soldiers For Christ is live!

C'mon Now, Gotta Share!!


iheart yeshua- Do we have till the end of the Month?!

Please Share!! 

This was in my Feed and I almost skipped over it. However, short-n-sweet, this is pretty informative!!


❤️Just Smile❤️- The Babylon Bee- Family Makes Tough Decision To Put Aging Grandpa In US Senate

Just too doggone funny not to Share!! Made ya Smile, hmm???


Friday, November 3, 2023

The Israel Guys- 165 Nations Want the DEATH of the State of ISRAEL, God Help Us All... 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

For Goodness Sake- Share It!! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

The very last Cease-Fire, I remember it and Hamas on that very next day began sending these balloon like Lantern things, like you might see at a wedding that had some kind of purposeful incendiary mechanism. When they began landing, these Balloon things, they started Fires. As well, Hamas began shooting through holes in the Fence, hitting #IDF Soldiers. How many times before had they called a Cease-Fire, with Israel even giving them more Land, even then they're NEVER happy. And, the very FACT that 165 Nations would Vote against Israel, in the face of clear-cut butchery and barbarism, well, it only speaks to the hour we are in Eschatologically today! Bring it on...I Stand With Israel!!


RMBC HebrewClub #214: Pt2 "Why A 2023 Rapture" (No Question & Answers Portion Today )

Remember; Time is Short, Please Share!!  🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨


❤️Just Smile❤️- @funnyfuls- The end 😂😂😂 #funnyvideo

Far Too Funny!! 

WARNING-  This Filter making the rounds it too much! Please excuse the use of language at the end, otherwise that one word would've ruined it. But, I laughed so hard and choked enough so that my Sons ran in to see what was wrong with me!!


All Israel News- Off-duty soldier gave his life to save others at the rave party massacre at Re’im | Kan 11

Share This Far & Wide!! 

More people need to speak up, shout over them if necessary. See, they're hoping you'll Cower, but the very minute YOU stand up they'll Shut-Up. What is happening, what is being done is no different than the Brown Shirts and their Nov. '38 Pogram at Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass. 

Huge Applause for Aner Shapira! By the way, ask yourself this pertinent question; If a barrage of Grenades are lobed your way, what are you gonna do...BLOW UP? All of this happened in Gaza at a free trance music festival. Times are changing and YES, YOU will have to prove your mettle most assuredly very soon! God Help those that are Left Behind!!

There is nothing new under the Sun, according to the Bible and as if we didn't get enough of Jew Hatred or better yet, all Hatred cannot be tolerated. And, it all comes down to those who are willing to Stand Up and Shout louder!!


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Just Smile- @MajicallyNews- After months of being homeless, parents surprise kids with new house ❤️❤️


Whaddo You Meme??- The TRUTH About Matthew Perry’s Encounter w/ God Before Death

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 Listen to me; You're either ALL in or nothing at all. What I mean is, either you Believe EVERY word of The Word or you don't. This is half of the problem that most might call "Cherry-Picking" whilst I just call 'em No-Count Narcissitic Ninnies.

And, if, perchance you've not heard it, here's a few Fun Facts about "Chandler Bing" from Friends Keith Morrison of Dateline NBC, is Perry's Step-Dad and he raised him. Also, he supposedly Died  Oct. 28th, under an Elliptical or Hunter's Moon  in a Hot Tub. Ritualistically? Was he mimicking Whitney?


S4C- Midweek Bible Study "Why A 2023 Rapture" 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

   C'mon Now, Please Share!!                     🚨Rapture Alert🚨


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Daily Mail- Nova Festival survivor's video shows his incredible escape from Hamas gunmen during Israel attack

Please Share This!! 

This is unfathomable. I mean, it's impossible to digest and yet you have these Pro-Palestinian Supporters or rather YAHOOS!! It's enough to make you want to rip your hair out. But, quite actually, I think at this point, I'd rather pull out their Hair. Oops, did I say that out loud???
By the way, the Translation is rather hard to follow, but, you may to repeat it a few times. That's what I had to do! We truly are living in the Last Days/Terminal Generation/End Times!


thelandofisrael- The IDF Speech before Entering Gaza YOU MUST HEAR!

Show It Share It!! 

You know, well, excuse my French, but, the Guys & Gals of the #IDF are most certainly Badassery's Finest!!


S4C Global Community Church - Earth- The Land Of Opportunity 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

C'mon, Share It!! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

By the way, somehow, AGAIN Pastor Sandy's Video's were not showing in my Feed. Satan's a busy punk, hmm!!



Worth Sharing??? 

 I'm not sure what to make of this Video, but, felt compelled to Post it for your own perusal. As well, I saw another Video where the Channel stated that he'd been told, by the Lord that the very idea that we could possibly be Raptured on Halloween was like Vomit, He would spit out. Furthermore, anyone who entertained the notion of a Halloween Rapture should be Ashamed of themselves. In more than one respect, I can see his line or train of thought and I personally stand Convicted!!