Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Ricardo Garcia- 💥COULD THE RAPTURE HAPPEN IN THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR 5993? 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Share It, K??? 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Please allow me to remind you that I DO NOT agree with everything that is said in ALL the Videos I Post. However, there is much to be gained in many respects whereby you pick a piece here or there and, hopefully YOU have Discernment and are able, first to Know the Word well enough to Cash only Checks made out to you by Christ as well as having the ability to Rightly Divide? I do think it very important to understand how very important having Discernment is and it would behoove YOU to Pray for it, need be! But, always make sure things are Kosher, meaning that what is said is in The Book, in The Word. Otherwise, THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!


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