Monday, October 30, 2023

Ben Shapiro- The Pogroms Are Back 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

Please Share This Important & Telling Video!! 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨🚨Rapture Alert🚨

If this doesn't sell the End Time Bible narrative, well, I don't know what will? Everything is falling into place in this The Great Puzzle. Unfortunately, the Christians will be the next to be hunted down and ripped out of their Homes. Yes, it will be encouraged, one good Muslim to another to take out the Infidel at whatever cost. Now, allow me to remind you that WE have NOTHING to Fear, nothing! We are to ESCAPE ALL that is coming upon the Earth and I have to Believe in this or nothing at all!. But, for those Left Behind, they have no idea what awaits them for burying their heads in the sand.  Pray that they find Jesus and Time is Short...SPEAK UP! And, unfortunately, it is my personal belief that they will begin with Social Media. Yes, they will look Online and anybody that has Posted anything even resembling a Christian concept will most assuredly become fodder for their "folie de la foule" which is folly of the mob! Jesus, please find us worthy, Me & Mine as well as You & Yours!!


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