Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ben Shapiro- You’re Being Lied To About Israel And Palestine | Facts Ep. 5

This is IMPORTANT, Please Share It!! 

This issue, although larger than life, bigger and badder than most, this issue is another prime example of people having their OPINIONS handed to them. In this case, friends of Mohamed Mukmuck (your typical Hamas follower) have been told, spread and fed LIES. It's a Textbook case. And now, because they're either friends, they're loyal or they respect Mr. Mukmuck, they believe every word out of his God-forsaken mouth exclaiming "Oh yea, this absolutely is what's happening," and people believe it. And, it spreads like wildfire, all the hate and rhetoric as people base their school of thought on Uneducated Opinions! And, there's far too much of this glad-handing going on, enough so that now, people are DEAD because of it and the HATE emanates like Napalm or White Phosphorus, whichever trips your Wire? As for Me & Mine; I guarantee that if you took my Babies, my Daughter-in-Law, Raping, Killing as well as ALL the heinousness YOU try to make Excuse for, well, Jesus will surely have to School me on  my Behavior!!

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