Friday, October 20, 2023

reallygraceful- What Christians Aren't Taught About Zionism

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I wrote this note to the Publisher of this Video; 

 It's so nasty and dirty, ALL OF IT, enough so that after listening to this, I felt I needed to take a Pressure-Washer to myself. You had me until you matter-of-factly stated, "To wrap it all up here, Israel has and continues to commit Human Rights Violations against Palestinian civilians." It ALL stinks to high heaven, but, for the most part ALL have an Uneducated Opinion, conveniently and with great fervor and conviction, handed to them by Joey Schmuckbuck from down at the Pub. And, bet your boots, Mr. Schmuckbuck is the reigning authority down at Pub Central.  

No side deserves my allegiance, but, I will say that the lesser of two Evils is still EVIL, just for starters. However, when speaking about Israel and their dealings, per se with Gaza, I happen to have heard the Intel that they have launched Concussion Grenades, then announced that "you have three minutes(?) to evacuate the Building" and then razed it. Mind you, I realize that not all are guilty of supporting Hamas, however, it is not possible to decipher or take a Poll of who does or does not support Hamas before they exact the Dogs of War. Again, it's all extremely ugly, and factually full of Lies from both factions; Let God sort 'em out!!


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