Monday, October 9, 2023

Redacted- Egypt just dropped a BOMBSHELL in the Israel Hamas War | Redacted with Clayton Morris

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People, this is HUGE! I cannot exemplify enough, the FACT that, if nothing else we have taught our Enemy's that we WILL PAY for Hostages as we just sent Iran 6 Billion for those Hostages. What happened to our Policy of "We don't negotiate? Because, Hamas took 100s Hostage just now. They're Executing some, Torturing others as well as humiliating others by stripping off their Cloths and parading them in the Streets of Gaza and beyond. This is ugly, as ugly as it gets and to have the knowledge that "WE" as in the good ol' U.S.A. most assuredly Paid for those Missiles, Guns and of course, there's the "After-Party's" that I'm certain are going on along with the obligatory hollering "Allah Akbar!!"

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