Monday, October 30, 2023

Just Smile- @BradNolanz- This boy will restore your faith in humanity 🥹❤️


The Israel Guys- Miracle Near Gaza When Israeli Soldier’s "BROKEN" Rifle Saves Hundreds of People

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I have learned,  indeed,  that we need every single word of encouragement, especially, the Miracles!!


Ben Shapiro- The Pogroms Are Back 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

Please Share This Important & Telling Video!! 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨🚨Rapture Alert🚨

If this doesn't sell the End Time Bible narrative, well, I don't know what will? Everything is falling into place in this The Great Puzzle. Unfortunately, the Christians will be the next to be hunted down and ripped out of their Homes. Yes, it will be encouraged, one good Muslim to another to take out the Infidel at whatever cost. Now, allow me to remind you that WE have NOTHING to Fear, nothing! We are to ESCAPE ALL that is coming upon the Earth and I have to Believe in this or nothing at all!. But, for those Left Behind, they have no idea what awaits them for burying their heads in the sand.  Pray that they find Jesus and Time is Short...SPEAK UP! And, unfortunately, it is my personal belief that they will begin with Social Media. Yes, they will look Online and anybody that has Posted anything even resembling a Christian concept will most assuredly become fodder for their "folie de la foule" which is folly of the mob! Jesus, please find us worthy, Me & Mine as well as You & Yours!!


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Just Smile- ALPHA SOUND- Man With WORLD'S LOWEST VOICE Sings "Lonesome Road"

Share It, eh???


End Times Productions- Israel: The Public Has Never Heard This Side of the Story

So Worth Sharing!! 

Fun Fact; Pastor Carl Gallups from PNN was a Police Officer right before becoming a Full-Time Pastor!!



Share It, K!!  🚨Prophesy Alert🚨
I'm telling you, it is Crunch Time!! The Stars don't Lie and there is nothing new under the Sun as well as History repeats itself. The Anxiety is palpable, at least in my Household and we're all hunkered down waiting, wondering and wishing that we are found worthy to escape ALL that is about to come upon us!! The Train is barreling down the track. Can YOU feel the rumble, too???


The Next News Network- Tucker's Ominous Warning Stirs National Alarm

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You know, normally, I would not Post a Video or the subject-matter such as this on here. But, a somewhat Secular guy such as Tucker Carlson, he gets it, speaks the Truth and obviously, the People are speaking collectively because this piece has been making the rounds Headline after Headline. My point is this; I simply want you to see that NO, in FACT you are NOT going Crazy and, secondly, I think that great collective is on the cusp of realizing we are in the Last Days/End Times/Terminal Generation, and heading full bore into the Great Tribulation. Yes, Kids, we are most assuredly on the precipice of that Great Day and although it is so scary, I cannot wait!!



Too Cute NOT to Share!!


Just Smile- @CopHumor- Unexpected Traffic Stop - Hilarious Moment Caught on Camera! 😂 #short


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Just Smile- Ardourly- His Reaction Melted Everyone's Heart


Encounter Books- Debunking the Palestine Lie

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"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched an international campaign to achieve recognition by the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state. Abbas and his international supporters claim that only Israel (with the United States) stands in the way of this act of historical justice, which would finally bring about peace in the Middle East." - Encounter Books-


RMBC HebrewClub #213 🚨Prophecy Alert🚨

Please Share!!  🚨Prophecy Alert🚨


#S4C- "Typologies of the end times" Midweek Study 10/18/23 @ Soldiers For Christ Church

Please Please Share!!


Fox News- Kayleigh McEnany: There needs to be consequences for this

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A clear and unquestionable Line MUST be drawn in the Sand and this behavior condoning what is absolutely a Hate-Crime cannot be, in any fashion, indulging whatsoever! There is Blood in that Sand, the Blood of Babies; There is no Debate or Argument suitable for any of these behaviors. They are simply incontrovertible and cannot be Tolerated at any level. Enforce obedience, need be!


Friday, October 20, 2023



Are they right in their thinking that they're "Programming" us, getting us geared up, ready, willing and able to be a Patriotic America? We are exactly where we're supposed to be Biblically and it's almost pleasurable to watch it all fall into place like Dominoes!! We serve an awesome God and King, do we not???



This Is A Must Share!!

(This is for teaching purposes only.)

This is one of the most compelling compilations available today. If you think you know-it-all when it comes to Illuminati, and, the Satanic Agenda, well, you've got another thing coming!! I realize this is very long, but, it is a deep dive into and explanation of ALL the Evil which exudes throughout our Society today. 


reallygraceful- What Christians Aren't Taught About Zionism

Please Share!! 

I wrote this note to the Publisher of this Video; 

 It's so nasty and dirty, ALL OF IT, enough so that after listening to this, I felt I needed to take a Pressure-Washer to myself. You had me until you matter-of-factly stated, "To wrap it all up here, Israel has and continues to commit Human Rights Violations against Palestinian civilians." It ALL stinks to high heaven, but, for the most part ALL have an Uneducated Opinion, conveniently and with great fervor and conviction, handed to them by Joey Schmuckbuck from down at the Pub. And, bet your boots, Mr. Schmuckbuck is the reigning authority down at Pub Central.  

No side deserves my allegiance, but, I will say that the lesser of two Evils is still EVIL, just for starters. However, when speaking about Israel and their dealings, per se with Gaza, I happen to have heard the Intel that they have launched Concussion Grenades, then announced that "you have three minutes(?) to evacuate the Building" and then razed it. Mind you, I realize that not all are guilty of supporting Hamas, however, it is not possible to decipher or take a Poll of who does or does not support Hamas before they exact the Dogs of War. Again, it's all extremely ugly, and factually full of Lies from both factions; Let God sort 'em out!!


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Isaiah Garza- Blind Burn Survivor gets beautiful dream come true ❤️ #shorts

You SHOULD Share!! 

This is beyond real!! You know, I have so many Health problems, well I've been quoted as saying, "it'd be easier to tell you wants NOT WRONG with me than to list what's actually right!" But, just when I start, you know, feeling real sorry for myself, I am reminded that I am virtually skating through this Life compared to some less fortunate people, right? Thank you, Jesus and I Pray that you bring Joy to this lil' Fella's life, countless Joy like he felt today, EVERY SINGLE DAY till you call us Home and this kid is restored. What Joy then, eh???


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

S4C- Multiplying The Kingdom 10/15/23 S4C Global Community Church, Soldiers For Christ is live!

C'mon Now, It's Worth Sharing!!!
...and  we're ALL of the Priestly Order of  Melchizedek Now that's Promising!


Israel Defense Forces- GRAPHIC RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas Israel Defense Forces


 Do Not watch this unless you want to TRULY see some of the carnage that Hamas has afflicted upon Israel. Make sure to share it with the understanding that if YOU do not know the Truth, how can you expound upon it. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, but, well, we know how the Book Ends do we not???


Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans- You've Never Heard Prophecy Like This |

Share It Far & Wide!! 

This complete Commentary, on my part, but, I've been on the fence about the hawking/hocking, of or the peddling of The Word through Books, Shows, Conventions, etc. Is it right to go on ANY Show in an attempt to Sell Books? I will let YOU have your opinion, but suffice it to say that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is beyond Talented and surely Gifted as this exchange is brilliant!!


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ben Shapiro- Here’s THE TRUTH About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (A Comprehensive History)

Please Find A Way to Share This, It's Extremely Important!!  

From biblical times to today, Ben takes us through time to explore the long history of Israel and explains the many conflicts along the way.


Monday, October 16, 2023

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #212 🚨Prophecy Alert🚨

C'mon Y'all We Must Share!! 🚨Prophecy Alert🚨


Jordan B Peterson Clips- The Biggest Lie in the Palestine vs. Israel Debate | With PM-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu

Share It, Please? 


 Upon arriving in Jerusalem on September 23, 1867, Mark Twain was astounded as to why that strip of Land was contested to any degree. Twain had, some rather derogatory comments where he basically said, (not verbatim) that the area was a hot "sh#thole," with a labelling of Palestine as “a blistering naked treeless land!" The point being is that in every case, even so where Mark Twain and others always commented how there was NOTHING THERE! Israel came back in to the Land in '48 and began to master Irrigation, etc. and turned a Desert Wasteland into a commission that is now a major Exporter of Flowers, Plants, Vegetables, etc., so of course the Arab League want to dig their fingers into it! 

And, by the way, I skipped ahead of the Class, read to the End of The Book and it tells me that, although there'll be terrible hardship till the Jews cry out for Jesus, that The Good Book tells of Israel Winning! Oops, Spoiler Alert!! By the way, Muhammad is traditionally said to have been born in 570 A.D. at Mecca, Saudi Arabia _NOT JERUSALEM as a matter of FACT! He then went to Mecca and it's said to have died in 632 in Medina, where he had been forced to emigrate too with his adherents in 622. On Palestine, Mark Twain wrote; “ ...[a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds-a silent mournful expanse....A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action....We never saw a human being on the whole route....There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” 
- 1867 (Quoted in Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad. London: 1881) 

 I wrote ALL of this, even before I finished watching the Video. This is one of my WORST habits as I'd have saved or kept my piece if I'd only finished the Video or at least arrived at the point where PM Netanyahu brings up Twain. Live, Learn, Laugh!


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ben Shapiro- You’re Being Lied To About Israel And Palestine | Facts Ep. 5

This is IMPORTANT, Please Share It!! 

This issue, although larger than life, bigger and badder than most, this issue is another prime example of people having their OPINIONS handed to them. In this case, friends of Mohamed Mukmuck (your typical Hamas follower) have been told, spread and fed LIES. It's a Textbook case. And now, because they're either friends, they're loyal or they respect Mr. Mukmuck, they believe every word out of his God-forsaken mouth exclaiming "Oh yea, this absolutely is what's happening," and people believe it. And, it spreads like wildfire, all the hate and rhetoric as people base their school of thought on Uneducated Opinions! And, there's far too much of this glad-handing going on, enough so that now, people are DEAD because of it and the HATE emanates like Napalm or White Phosphorus, whichever trips your Wire? As for Me & Mine; I guarantee that if you took my Babies, my Daughter-in-Law, Raping, Killing as well as ALL the heinousness YOU try to make Excuse for, well, Jesus will surely have to School me on  my Behavior!!

Friday, October 13, 2023

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #210: "Solving The Rapture Puzzle #10"

C'mon, We MUST Share!!


S4C- Solving The Rapture Puzzle, Lesson 11

For Sure; Share!! 

I finally realized that I wasn't getting S4C in my Feed and will now play catch-up!!


Israel Defense Forces- If you Stand With Israel, WATCH:

Please Share to ALL!!

 Since I was a Child, I was taught to, "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!" Now, at 65 yrs. old, I Pray for Peace and Calm Assurance for the people of Israel! And, most of all, I Pray that the Jews, personally cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but concede their Worship to the One True King, Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. I Pray they cry out, "Baruch haba B’shem Adonai, Yeshua!"


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Grace Digital Network- The Day Queen Jezebel Died: One Of The Worst Deaths In The Bible

Can You Share It??? 

 I thought this was interesting. What comes around, goes around and the Winds of Change are coming. The Lord is about to move Mightily, I just know it! Can YOU feel it, too?


End Times Productions- Halloween: The Public Has Never Heard This Side of the Story

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I can still remember how much I loved and looked forward to Halloween. If the same goes for you, Have you given that any thought? I mean, isn't that exactly how things are to be in the End Times; "Good is Evil, Evil is Good," right? Yes, Satan has us right where he wants us, dangled on a stick as we perpetrate the Crime by Teaching these Bad Habits to our own Children? 
Break the Chain!! 

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20


Many Fishers- Israel Chamas-violence. Jesus at Mt Hermon. Rebellion-13-USA. War. Love of Money.

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Believe It Or Not...It's ALL Relevant!!


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Israel Defense Forces- IDF Spokesperson MAJ (Res.) Libby Weiss sets the record straight. Israel Defense Forces

Please Share This!!


TyGreen- The Simpsons Rapture Episode Spoke Volumes

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God's Roadmap to the End- The Leftovers: Predictive Programming Pointing to the Rapture on the October 14th Solar Eclipse

Totally Worth Sharing!! 

"Predictive Programming" has been doing just that, "Programming" us since the Dawn of its Inception. But, you get goose bumps when you watch the likes of The Simpsons and the Episode where they're speaking about the Rapture! That is just one case in point and there are umpteen examples whereby T.V. or Movies tell their version of what is happening and what is about to happen! Don't be fooled; It's sad to say, but, Satan knows more about these things and about the Bible than anyone that's ever lived!


Tuesday, October 10, 2023


You Should Share!! 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨

You can see that some of this "Telling" Footage is much older. These Families have consorted for 100s of years to bring this all to fruition. They've been Planning this thing for a very long time, conjuring up the Perfect Storm. Surprisingly, Biden has sent Air Craft Carriers and Jets to the Mediterranean, fulfilling Prophesy!! That Storm, well, it won't be long now. Can YOU feel it???


Ricardo Garcia- 💥COULD THE RAPTURE HAPPEN IN THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR 5993? 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Share It, K??? 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Please allow me to remind you that I DO NOT agree with everything that is said in ALL the Videos I Post. However, there is much to be gained in many respects whereby you pick a piece here or there and, hopefully YOU have Discernment and are able, first to Know the Word well enough to Cash only Checks made out to you by Christ as well as having the ability to Rightly Divide? I do think it very important to understand how very important having Discernment is and it would behoove YOU to Pray for it, need be! But, always make sure things are Kosher, meaning that what is said is in The Book, in The Word. Otherwise, THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!


Daily Mail- Israel attacks explained: How Hamas terrorists stormed festival - and why

Please Do Share This!! 
Such a small Tract of Land, a spot on the Map akin to New Jersey. And yet, it is the most hotly contested arena, a spot of constant strain and frustration to say the very least. But, what bothers me the most is as I grow up, per se (almost 65!) I am truly realizing that NOTHING MAKES SENSE! And, I think at this juncture it is purely apropos to embrace Isaiah 5:20 where basically it is saying up is down, in is out and yes, it's really good to be really bad, right? The supposition is as follows; It makes NO SENSE, not that is should, that these people, the Hamas were able to slip in as they did and take ALL those Hostages! And, now, it is Reported that these Heinous peoples are Executing Toddlers in front of all on TV and elsewhere. In my mind, this is the height of EVIL and yet, we allow the likes of Rep. Rashida Tlaib to fly a Palestinian flag outside her Capitol Hill office. And, in Times Square, you have Palestinians on one side of the Street whilst the Supporters of Israel stood on the other side watching these degenerates rip apart the Israeli Flag! As I said, it is hard for those of us with a conscience to fathom a World where this sort of behavior is not only tolerated, but, encouraged by too many people for my beat-up Brain to comprehend? Then again, is it The Holy Spirit, The Helper stirring in understanding??? The IDF owns my Respect and it is cause celebre to embrace the intrepid man or woman in their Duty to the Holy Land!


Monday, October 9, 2023

Redacted- Egypt just dropped a BOMBSHELL in the Israel Hamas War | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Please Please Share!!

People, this is HUGE! I cannot exemplify enough, the FACT that, if nothing else we have taught our Enemy's that we WILL PAY for Hostages as we just sent Iran 6 Billion for those Hostages. What happened to our Policy of "We don't negotiate? Because, Hamas took 100s Hostage just now. They're Executing some, Torturing others as well as humiliating others by stripping off their Cloths and parading them in the Streets of Gaza and beyond. This is ugly, as ugly as it gets and to have the knowledge that "WE" as in the good ol' U.S.A. most assuredly Paid for those Missiles, Guns and of course, there's the "After-Party's" that I'm certain are going on along with the obligatory hollering "Allah Akbar!!"

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Sling and Stone- This Mount of Olives Prophecy will BLOW YOUR MIND and it's Happening RIGHT NOW 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨

Show Care & Share!!  🚨Prophesy Alert🚨


S4C- Perfect Time For Life 🚨Rapture Warning🚨

Sharing Helps!!  🚨Rapture Warning🚨


Jason A- Something Strange is Happening Worldwide!

Share & Save!!

Quite honestly, I don't think they're done with us or their lil Application. And, on Oct. 11th they're supposed to do the "Test" again? Nah, it ain't over till...they say it's OVER!!


Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup)- The Sun goes Dark at Noon, over the Body of Christ - October 14, 2023 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨

This is Good, Y'all Gotta Share It!! 🚨Prophesy Alert🚨

I felt The Holy Spirit on this one. Love It!!


Sunday, October 1, 2023


Someone Needs to Hear This; Please Share!!


Janie DuVall- I Just Had an Alarming Dream! Watch King Charles' Brother…

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 It's ALL just lining up, perfectly as we're living in the time of Revelations. The Case, proving Bible Prophesy abounds and every single day, another comes to fruition!!