Thursday, August 31, 2023

@Nickjfreitas- Another lockdown???

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I like this Fella an awful lot as he spits an unblemished Truth. Mr. Freitas is of the Republican Virginia House of Delegates. I do not believe I am partial of/to him because he is from my Hometown, but, because he puts things in the best form of exactness. Now, some might call him a "Realist" and it's a damn shame we have to mince words when the simplest answer to that is that he speaks the Truth, that's it, that's all. However, Whistleblowers have eluded to the FACT that a Brand New Mandate will be handed down from the Governments across the World (think about that, k!) Word on the Street states that on Sept 15th, the latest Lock Down (I do know how to spell it, but, I digress for the algorithms)will be implemented. 

Now, the first, as I understand it, Whistleblower was from the Military as they will impose a forced, never-before-seen level of Loc down. In other words, the Military will be involved with the next one as this time, they'll want to get it right, right? Have you actually given it much thought as to what CAN HAPPEN n the day of our Rapture? Since I do not have a life as most of you do, I do possess the time (sit and think) to evaluate the scenarios that are about to take place. 

First, know this much; when the Rapture happens, they'll want to minimize "all Hell breaking loose," don't you agree? I am able to look back in time and even when I was in the throes of Sin, even at my worst, I can tell you, without a doubt in my mind, if my Children just POOF disappeared, and I had no understanding where they'd gone, well, they're gonna need the National Guard to keep me subdued! So, I can only imagine what those, sitting on high (or so they think!) might believe could/would/should happen and how best to keep it all under their Control. Remember that their Motto is, "Order Out of Chaos!"  Ordo Ex Chaos

 I am reminded that 2020 was called "The Year of Correction" by the Jews (you know 20/20 Vision!). And, there's a good possibility that they believed as we did in the Eschatological community, we were certain, that the Rapture was sure to happen in the 120th Year, just as in the Days of Noah. I most assuredly recall the certitude, that is, after the Rev. 12 Sign on Sept.23, 2017, that "THIS HAS TO BE IT!!" 

So, those in the Dark, Wicked Community, well, you must know that there's not a man alive that knows the Bible better than Satan and his Minions, but, he too didn't know the exact date of the Rapture as only the Father knows. By the way, that comes from the Jewish Idiom that it was the Father who told his son, "Go get your Bride, we're ready" for the Wedding. My point is that I'm sure that those in the know are not gonna let this chance get away from them. And, by the power of deducement, they just know, as WE KNOW that the Rapture is any minute, most likely around their Lock Down date, Sept.15th. 

It's "Go Time" people!!


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