Friday, August 18, 2023

End Times Studios- No One Talks About This

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Are you aware of this... 

 I live in the Flight Path of our Hospital, in other words; they fly directly over my roof to Take-Off/Land, at about a football field away from my Home. I've noticed a greater influx of Traffic in the Helo's, for at least the last 6 months. As well, I live in Jamestown, NY, (Mentioned in a NY Post article concerning this) as a final destination, and, it has been as long as I've lived here some 40yrs. since moving up from D.C./Va. Yes, a few months ago, a Busload was brought here of Illegal Immigrants (call it what it is) and allow me to tell the Truth. 

So, I fell and Fractured my Clavicle, well for those of you Believers in the Hate Satan has for us, I will tell you I was sitting in my Bed, half-asleep, legs crossed Indian Style as they call it. And, all of a sudden I felt a great force and was plummeted off of the Bed, onto the floor and thrown into my Dresser. I fell with such force that it is unexplainable, but, suffice it to say I thought this would be the Death of me. I rode it out and waited two days and the pain was becoming worse, it was hard to breathe.  

So, I went to the Emergency Room. It was standing room only and as I tried to make my way to the Reception area, I was hit in my injured shoulder by someone speaking only in Spanish as were what seemed ALL of these people. I left, but, returned the next day and it was the same way. I was told that these were the Illegal Aliens, many brought in on the Bus. I ended up going to my own Doctor to get paperwork for CAT Scans and X-Rays, etc. 
And, yes, people have become hateful, angry or they just don't care! And, I don't care if you believe me or not, but, at my local Walmart, (I am figuring out; Walmart is complicit in all matters!) there were fewer Employees and fewer still that spoke English. How can you Help Customers if you cannot speak the language? Hey, I get wanting to escape tyranny, etc., however, all Videos I've seen, they're wearing better Clothes and have better phones still! I saw footage of a guy collecting Trash in Texas and he was picking up all these Visa Debit Cards and he explained that when they get here, they're given $800++++ to spend on whatever. 

Then, I saw footage of several Hotels in NYC taken-over for housing Immigrants. I saw a very large room, filled to the ceiling with Trash Bags filled with Hotel Food all the while people were sitting outside the Hotel, drinking Corona Beer, eating McDonald's, throwing Trash everywhere and Fighting, Shooting, Raping and doing Drugs in the Hallways, and anywhere/everywhere. That was after the Shopping spree they'd gone on as they were all going into the Cordoned-off Hotel carrying High-End Shopping Bags. 

 The people of Maui are offered a one-time stipend of $700 to help with whatever. Yet $200 Million more was sent to Ukraine. Well, at least their 1st Lady can go on another Shopping Spree, huh? Of course, this is the very least they could do after their Island was decimated by DEWs, wouldn't you agree? Their children were told NO SCHOOL, thus all the Parents had to go to Work. NO Sirens worked. NO Water was to be had to fight Fires with as it was turned off ahead of time. The Death Toll is far higher than Reported, many of those are the Children which Died alone. And, far be it from me, but, I'd say it all smells Fishy when these people are immediately inundated by Realtors/Developers, etc. offering to Land Grab, to buy up their Lots? Welcome to the End Times/Last Days!!


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