Sunday, August 13, 2023

Above Reproach Ministry- THIS Theory About Jesus’ Second Coming Makes SO MUCH Sense

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Several things came to mind as I watched this somewhat simplified dynamic. One of the greatest illustrations I, personally endear is this Story of the Thief on the Cross. Allow me to point out the obvious for those who like to complicate things; #1., That Thief was told that "today you will be with me in paradise” and guess what? that Fella didn't have to jump down and be Baptized to enter into Heaven as it is the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit that matters. But, I have heard people touting and teaching that you have to have a Water Baptism. Now, I have no qualms with Water Baptism, but I feel it is not Required, no more than, #2., having to jump up and speak in Tongues. And, let me absolutely say that I'd be LOST without the Gift of Tongues, but don't tell someone that they are not "Saved" because they have not been given the GIFT yet! I would instruct that, first you should read in 
 1 Corinthians 14 about these Gifts and remember, "Ask and you shall receive!" Just Sayin'!!


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