Thursday, August 31, 2023

Sling and Stone- Yellowstone Eruption Could OPEN the BOTTOMLESS PIT | Sun, Moon, Stars DARKENED | Volcano Prophecy



@Nickjfreitas- Another lockdown???

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I like this Fella an awful lot as he spits an unblemished Truth. Mr. Freitas is of the Republican Virginia House of Delegates. I do not believe I am partial of/to him because he is from my Hometown, but, because he puts things in the best form of exactness. Now, some might call him a "Realist" and it's a damn shame we have to mince words when the simplest answer to that is that he speaks the Truth, that's it, that's all. However, Whistleblowers have eluded to the FACT that a Brand New Mandate will be handed down from the Governments across the World (think about that, k!) Word on the Street states that on Sept 15th, the latest Lock Down (I do know how to spell it, but, I digress for the algorithms)will be implemented. 

Now, the first, as I understand it, Whistleblower was from the Military as they will impose a forced, never-before-seen level of Loc down. In other words, the Military will be involved with the next one as this time, they'll want to get it right, right? Have you actually given it much thought as to what CAN HAPPEN n the day of our Rapture? Since I do not have a life as most of you do, I do possess the time (sit and think) to evaluate the scenarios that are about to take place. 

First, know this much; when the Rapture happens, they'll want to minimize "all Hell breaking loose," don't you agree? I am able to look back in time and even when I was in the throes of Sin, even at my worst, I can tell you, without a doubt in my mind, if my Children just POOF disappeared, and I had no understanding where they'd gone, well, they're gonna need the National Guard to keep me subdued! So, I can only imagine what those, sitting on high (or so they think!) might believe could/would/should happen and how best to keep it all under their Control. Remember that their Motto is, "Order Out of Chaos!"  Ordo Ex Chaos

 I am reminded that 2020 was called "The Year of Correction" by the Jews (you know 20/20 Vision!). And, there's a good possibility that they believed as we did in the Eschatological community, we were certain, that the Rapture was sure to happen in the 120th Year, just as in the Days of Noah. I most assuredly recall the certitude, that is, after the Rev. 12 Sign on Sept.23, 2017, that "THIS HAS TO BE IT!!" 

So, those in the Dark, Wicked Community, well, you must know that there's not a man alive that knows the Bible better than Satan and his Minions, but, he too didn't know the exact date of the Rapture as only the Father knows. By the way, that comes from the Jewish Idiom that it was the Father who told his son, "Go get your Bride, we're ready" for the Wedding. My point is that I'm sure that those in the know are not gonna let this chance get away from them. And, by the power of deducement, they just know, as WE KNOW that the Rapture is any minute, most likely around their Lock Down date, Sept.15th. 

It's "Go Time" people!!



Seriously, Time to Share!!  🚨Prophesy Alert🚨


Nick Jones- Former Homeless Man Preaches GREATEST Sermon You'll Ever Hear!

Gotta Share This, Please!! 

This is called being "For Real," from the Heart, from the Street!!


Monday, August 28, 2023

TyGreen- The World Is On Fire | It's Biblical

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Dr Barry Awe- In Matthew 24 Jesus tells us His Pretrib Rapture, Midtrib Call Up, and His Post trib Gathering

Just to be Fair, can I get You To Share???


S4C- Tribulation Vs Great Tribulation 🚨Important🚨

C'mon, Please Share!! 

The Sandman was Preaching, Big Time. Yes, this spoke to me because I so easily revert to a Potty Mouth. I stand Convicted!!



Please People, Share This Video!! 

Gosh, I truly hope Ricardo is right and we're that close. Then again, because of my Fear of The Lord, the thought almost paralyzes me. However, this is where Faith comes into the picture, not Blind Faith, but, Faith based in The Word. Hear me? This much is true; The Holy Father Warned Noah by telling him to "Get into The Ark" to wit He Sealed it up. Not Noah, but, God Almighty Sealed it up!!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Hawaii Real Estate- 🚨Maui Fires🚨 | The Cover Up Story - The Perfect Crime?


Such UGLY People!!


❤️Feed Your Faith- Anthony Wreyn - This Elephant has 200 IQ ❤️

With  Ingenuity and the persistence of building and Feeding our Faith...we Bugger on!!

TyGreen- New BRICS Members Point To Bible Prophecy

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Things are lining up nicely. It's a Big Puzzle, the Bible as well as Your Life. If you want to see the Big Picture, you must first make an effort to put it together, right?


Are There 11 Kings Now ? 6 New Countries Joined BRICS

Friday, August 25, 2023

Benny Johnson- Atlanta native drops MASSIVE black pill ‼️

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 I want it clear; I am not a believer in Trump, per se anymore. However, I am simply putting this up so you can gauge the elements. Meaning; They are not going to allow fair Elections to happen, not that I thought we'd even get close, but, I do believe they're about to drop another Pandemic on us so they can keep us under wraps, shut-up and most likely under Martial Law. God Help You, if you're/we're not Raptured. Please Lord, Harpazo/Paralambano/Rapture us soon, very soon, Amen!!


S4C- 🚨The Warning Before I Come 🚨

Pastor Sandy is On Fire, Please Share!!


Thursday, August 24, 2023

LOGIC HOUR- From: Thou Shalt Not Kill | Biblical Series: Exodus

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 I'd actually seen a Teaching on the Word and specifically the word, "KILL" and how it refers to Murder, but, it does NOT infer towards Killing in Self-Defense. Trust nothing lest you are Robbed, meaning, even the KJV has some words that are NOT completely definitive. Quite actually, we find that some words are close, but, No Cigar. Some are far from decisively specific. In other words, "Study to show thyself approved!" 2nd Timothy 2:15


Sunday, August 20, 2023

@KapChatfield- God is AMAZING! Proof life begins at conception

Please Share Far & Wide!! 

At the very point of Conception, is the Quickening!! Amen!!


Ben Shapiro- Ben Shapiro Performs 'Ave Maria' on Violin

Most beautiful composition, done beautifully. What does the phrase Ave Maria mean? It means Hail, Mary and, oddly enough, Ben Shapiro is a Devout Jew!



C'mon, You Need to Share!!


Saturday, August 19, 2023

LogicBeforeAuthority- "Boom" The I Pet Goat NYC & DC Destruction Decode Video. Be Warned.

Time To Share!! 

If you're not privy (see prior video) to the I Pet Goat II then this may make little sense? In the event that you have, I think this particular Video is rather intriguing!!


HeliofantChannel- I, pet goat II 🚨Important🚨,

🚨Important🚨 UPDATE;

Apparently, HeliofantChannel has Removed ALL CONTENT from their Channel as well as across the Globe! Heliofant first engrossed us all with their informative yet queasy Animation back in 2012. Since then, thousands have done their darnedest to Decode it with a Prophetic knowing or rather, The Church has done their level best to understand it too. Most would observe just what the New World Order, that we know is coming to is trying to tell us through the lens, that of Heliofant. 

Quite repugnant, the whole affair stinks, however, I truly would love to know, why, after 11 years, they've up and walked away. I do suppose it's their Ball and they have every right to walk off the field, but, I'd pay a penny to be a Fly on the Wall. If and when I find out, YOU my Friends and Family, will be the first  know!!

You Should Share!! 
One of the most prolific *Videos, Prophetic in nature, abominable in many respects, this Video, as of today, 8/19/23, it has 1,855,876M views. The Video was released on Jul 3, 2012, but, truly, it was the Revelation 12 Sign that kicked off the true urgency for most to personally examine themselves and to return to our First Love, Jesus Christ! All these years later, we are STILL retrieving Data and putting together what the Luciferian/Satanists are trying or actually TELLING us!! I smell EVIL!!

*It States;
"A story about the fire at the heart of suffering. Bringing together dancers, musicians, visual artists and 3d animators, the film takes a critical look at the events of the past decade that have shaped our world."


God's Roadmap to the End- Re-Post- THE RAPTURE 2023: The Shocking Secrets of September 23 (923/239) Revealed #923 #september23

Please Share These Teachings... 
(I Re-Posted this as it is part of the 3 Preceding Videos!)


God's Roadmap to the End- The RAPTURE Date - End Time Bible Prophecy FINALLY UNLOCKED - Part 1

So Very Important, Please Share!!


God's Roadmap to the End- Countdown to The RAPTURE Date: Will You Be Left Behind? Part 2

Incredibly Important Please Share Today!!


God's Roadmap to the End- THE RAPTURE 2023: What does Jesus think of Date Setters and the September 23 RAPTURE DATE? - Part 3

So Important Please Share!


Friday, August 18, 2023

End Times Studios- No One Talks About This

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Are you aware of this... 

 I live in the Flight Path of our Hospital, in other words; they fly directly over my roof to Take-Off/Land, at about a football field away from my Home. I've noticed a greater influx of Traffic in the Helo's, for at least the last 6 months. As well, I live in Jamestown, NY, (Mentioned in a NY Post article concerning this) as a final destination, and, it has been as long as I've lived here some 40yrs. since moving up from D.C./Va. Yes, a few months ago, a Busload was brought here of Illegal Immigrants (call it what it is) and allow me to tell the Truth. 

So, I fell and Fractured my Clavicle, well for those of you Believers in the Hate Satan has for us, I will tell you I was sitting in my Bed, half-asleep, legs crossed Indian Style as they call it. And, all of a sudden I felt a great force and was plummeted off of the Bed, onto the floor and thrown into my Dresser. I fell with such force that it is unexplainable, but, suffice it to say I thought this would be the Death of me. I rode it out and waited two days and the pain was becoming worse, it was hard to breathe.  

So, I went to the Emergency Room. It was standing room only and as I tried to make my way to the Reception area, I was hit in my injured shoulder by someone speaking only in Spanish as were what seemed ALL of these people. I left, but, returned the next day and it was the same way. I was told that these were the Illegal Aliens, many brought in on the Bus. I ended up going to my own Doctor to get paperwork for CAT Scans and X-Rays, etc. 
And, yes, people have become hateful, angry or they just don't care! And, I don't care if you believe me or not, but, at my local Walmart, (I am figuring out; Walmart is complicit in all matters!) there were fewer Employees and fewer still that spoke English. How can you Help Customers if you cannot speak the language? Hey, I get wanting to escape tyranny, etc., however, all Videos I've seen, they're wearing better Clothes and have better phones still! I saw footage of a guy collecting Trash in Texas and he was picking up all these Visa Debit Cards and he explained that when they get here, they're given $800++++ to spend on whatever. 

Then, I saw footage of several Hotels in NYC taken-over for housing Immigrants. I saw a very large room, filled to the ceiling with Trash Bags filled with Hotel Food all the while people were sitting outside the Hotel, drinking Corona Beer, eating McDonald's, throwing Trash everywhere and Fighting, Shooting, Raping and doing Drugs in the Hallways, and anywhere/everywhere. That was after the Shopping spree they'd gone on as they were all going into the Cordoned-off Hotel carrying High-End Shopping Bags. 

 The people of Maui are offered a one-time stipend of $700 to help with whatever. Yet $200 Million more was sent to Ukraine. Well, at least their 1st Lady can go on another Shopping Spree, huh? Of course, this is the very least they could do after their Island was decimated by DEWs, wouldn't you agree? Their children were told NO SCHOOL, thus all the Parents had to go to Work. NO Sirens worked. NO Water was to be had to fight Fires with as it was turned off ahead of time. The Death Toll is far higher than Reported, many of those are the Children which Died alone. And, far be it from me, but, I'd say it all smells Fishy when these people are immediately inundated by Realtors/Developers, etc. offering to Land Grab, to buy up their Lots? Welcome to the End Times/Last Days!!


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Perry Stone- God's Cow is Dead!

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I have to say, there's a fine line, walked by many a Preacher touting the "Prosperity Gospel" and often they are skirting the edge over Tithing. However way YOU tend to view it, I think this is an excellent Illustration!!


Just Smile- Brad Nolan - His kind act led to something no one expected 🥹💕 #shorts


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tony Lamb- Rapture Coincidence

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The Azusa St. Mission & Revival Church 
Call For Prayer; (518)318-7813


God A Minute?- 23 Reasons For A 2023 Rapture

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Shawn Ryan Clips- God is Coming Back With a Vengeance

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This is the most Fatal mistake, thinking that our Lord, Jesus Christ is nothing more than simpering Love. Yes, Jesus is ALL about Love and yet, He returns as a Lion! I cannot wait!!


God A Minute?- Giovanni & Giovanna Getting Ready For School But Don't Set Dates 😀🤷‍♂️

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Surely, Jesus is Cracking-Up!!


Del. Nick Freitas- Teenage daughters…how does a father maintain a good relationship?

Be Kind...Share!!


Monday, August 14, 2023

Perry Stone- Look for This to Occur Just Before the Rapture | Episode #1192

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Now, it's been around a year or so since I watched ANYTHING from Perry Stone. Quite actually, I was disgusted by the "Hawking" of DVDs, Books, etc. Now, I understand that some things DO COST! However, I remember I was watching this notably good Teaching and all of a sudden it stopped and offered, "For the rest of this Teaching" and, you were instructed to send a "Donation" of $69.95 or $99.95 depending on whether you wanted this or that extra. I was livid!! So, I'm still not sure how I feel about Perry Stone requiring money for much of his wares. At the very least, I hope they are not Profiting off of their religiosity? What do YOU think???


Sunday, August 13, 2023

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #204: PT3 "Solving The Rapture Puzzle"

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Dr Barry Awe- Rapture Watch! Our Almighty God's next Date that He Set is ELUL 1

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Just Smile!!- SeaWorld Orlando- Try this to get a dolphin to notice you…


Above Reproach Ministry- THIS Theory About Jesus’ Second Coming Makes SO MUCH Sense

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Several things came to mind as I watched this somewhat simplified dynamic. One of the greatest illustrations I, personally endear is this Story of the Thief on the Cross. Allow me to point out the obvious for those who like to complicate things; #1., That Thief was told that "today you will be with me in paradise” and guess what? that Fella didn't have to jump down and be Baptized to enter into Heaven as it is the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit that matters. But, I have heard people touting and teaching that you have to have a Water Baptism. Now, I have no qualms with Water Baptism, but I feel it is not Required, no more than, #2., having to jump up and speak in Tongues. And, let me absolutely say that I'd be LOST without the Gift of Tongues, but don't tell someone that they are not "Saved" because they have not been given the GIFT yet! I would instruct that, first you should read in 
 1 Corinthians 14 about these Gifts and remember, "Ask and you shall receive!" Just Sayin'!!


Thursday, August 10, 2023

S4C- "Solving The Rapture Puzzle" Part 2

Time to Share!!


Chasing God- A dream about the rapture on 8-4-23

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I enjoyed every word that Officer F, Downs spoke on this Video except concerning Works as I believe that Christ Abolished the Laws when He said, on The Cross, "It Is Finished!!" Meaning, there is NOTHING absolutely nothing we can do, Works-wise to earn our place in Heaven or to be Raptured for that matter. It may very well be no more than Doctrinal view, but, Doctrine is most important as we base everything and all in the depth of our Beliefs in and of our Doctrine. And, the answer, I suppose lies in us all reading the Word for ourselves so as no one can FOOL us with Doctrines of Demons per se.

 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. Proverbs 25:2

magnify- 7 Secrets of The Hebrew Ten Commandments

Please Think to Share!!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Hourly Watch- Rapture Awareness - Celestial Billboard! - Revelation 12 Sign

Time to Share!! 

I do believe this Video conglomeration is from Bob Barber's UpTime Church. And, Patrick, at the bottom of the windows has the Hourly Watch Channel. Patrick lost his Wife not long ago and I can only bet that he cannot wait for our Blessed Hope, maybe more than most! RIP Christine!!


He cometh with clouds- Red Rapture Alert - We were mistaken - It's August 17, not September

Keep Watching & Share!! 
I found this to be Cinematically Beautiful and truly something to think about!!


@KapChatfield- Alex Stein Calls Out Uvalde Council

Please Share! 
This IS our problem today...not enough Righteous Indignation and too much Self-Centeredness, Self-Will Run Riot and a basic lackadaisical atmosphere in our lives. People think, "Well, if it doesn't affect me and it's not in MY Home, why do I have a care? Soon, very very soon, you WILL care!!


Sling and Stone- A 7 Year Covenant with Many Confirmed? U.N. Summit September 18 2023 | Prophecy Update 2023

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Dr. Michael Heiser- How Can a Jew Accept Jesus Without Denying the Shema?

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Keep this in mind if Witnessing to any of our Jewish Brothers or Sisters!! And, thank you, 
Dr. Michael Heiser (RIP) End of Watch!!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Just Smile...

I thought, for a change-up I'd Post this to see if it makes  YOU Smile as big as I did?

Saturday, August 5, 2023

JuJu, Fisher of Men- Shocking visions of the tribulation

This is one of the most INTENSE Visions/Dreams I've heard! But, Brothers & Sisters, I know in my spirit that this is exactly as it will be. You need to hear this no matter how uncomfortable it makes you as TIME IS SHORT and we MUST be confident and Share the Good News, and that their is a Way Out of all that is coming upon this Earth!! DO NOT WAIT, Call on Jesus Today!!
Please Share It!!


Friday, August 4, 2023

Andy Jiang- Greatest Underdog Story EVER #shorts

I cannot tell you why I am Posting this except to say; The Lesson here might be in dogged Perseverance? We ALL must arrive at the Foot of The Cross, however our Journey is taken or the path travelled. Meaning; As for me, I Walked Through Hell, somehow by choice, at times, skirting the Flames, playing with Fire, that is until I was Burned in the extreme over and over again. And, I realize that even since I was little, my life has been Painful, sometimes thrust upon, sometimes brought upon by others, but, most assuredly, I landed at, or stumbled blindly till I stood, the Foot of The Cross. I have been quoted as saying, "And, as for me, I know that I will slide into Home Base/Heaven just as you would, sliding in from Third Base and will hear, 'Barbara, Barbara, Barbara,' and Jesus will smile at me!"


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Feed Your Faith- GOD- Scientists FINALLY Reveal Truth About The Shroud of Turin

Please Share, it Feeds Your Faith!!
This was in my YT Feed, a Channel called "God." How interesting!!

This has long been a Study for me and this is some of what I'd learned. The Scientists were told that they could ONLY Test, via Radio-Carbon Dating a particular swath of the Shroud the first go round. Did they know the outcome? I do believe they did as THEY were aware that a Fire, in the Church had almost ravaged the Shroud. But, it was the Nuns assigned to that Convent who painstakingly had sewn/woven that new piece into the Shroud which was Tested and found to be of a Medieval time/era.
Furthermore, when they were actually allowed to Test, again, not long ago, (through Radio-Carbon Dating) the most minuscule swath, it was found to be around the time when Jesus walked the Earth! And, the pollen, present within that Test piece was from a remote area of Jerusalem. But, the most amazing thing I witnessed about it all was the prolific Scientist, after thoroughly examining the Shroud of Turin simply and matter-of-factly stated it was most assuredly "an Event Horizon" which had left the Negative imprint upon the Shroud. Breathtaking!


RockIslandBooks- End-Times Prophecy - Update #1, #2, #3

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RockIslandBooks- 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed)

C'mon, Friends, Please Share!!