Monday, January 10, 2022

The Prophetic Message Concealed in the New Year 5782 | Episode #1109 | P...

I'm not a huge fan of Perry Stone, just sayin'. However, I can learn from anything if it is divinely inspired. Pray for Discernment so that you may rightly divide the Word, just for starters. I truly believe that The Holy Spirit will tell you what is a bunch of gunk if YOU listen as well as "Study to show thyself approved." (2 Tim. 2:15) And, there is a lot to Study but it's a pretty simple "Rule of Thumb;" If it's not written in The Bible, precept upon precept, line upon line, every jot and tiddle, then do not believe it and spit it out! Having said all this, watch this Video as it does give good groundwork... Our God is a Mathemetician, plain and simple. Where we stand today is at the precipice of the Greatest Moment in History when the Rapture of the Church happens and the beginning of Great Tribulation starts. In the Jewish New Year of 5782, it TRULY does not begin until the New Moon is spotted around Nissan 1. Actually, God gave His Command concerning the New Year starting at Nissan 1 and no longer counting it in the Fall as it had been done so long ago. Unfortunately, this is just another example of how Israel does NOT listen to the Father and they've done this in countless ways. Just one example is the fact that they print up their Calendars, dates set in stone so that they can keep the Tourists happy and coming on a calculated day concerning High Holy Days and especially the for the Yamim Tovim,Feast/Festival Days. These Feast Days are a Commandment, by the way, not just something Rabbi Schmuckmuck schlepped together. But, it is SET IN STONE, The Fathers direction to ONLY start a New Month after two witnesses have spotted that New Moon. So, quite actually, how can you honestly put a date on a Calendar, just as the Gregorian Calendar does, if you've not spotted the Moon? This is simply one example of how Israel has not minded The Word or its meaning. And, it is unfortunate because this is why they will go through Great Tribulation. Yes, 7 years of the worst time known to humanity is about to spring forth. Sadly, until the Jewsish Nation cries out to the One True God, Yeshua/Jesus they must endure. Pray. Selah.

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