Saturday, January 22, 2022

CDC Lawsuit

In defacto, the truth about this Plandemic is, on so many levels a multilayered LIE! They knew, they know it is a LIE but they play their Subterfuge Game so that they can insert during Testing AND insert during the supposed Inoculation phases, a multileveled, multi implemented Cauldron of Witches Brew. Video after Video now shows the QR Coding now associated with every Jab. All you need is a QR Reader App on your phone to see the number given especially to YOU.(You may also find that you are now Magnetic. Just like the Super Hero's!) As well, it has been proven that the Patient is now Bioluminescent, the very reasoning behind the Purple or Black Light Street Lights they're installing and have already implemented these in many many States, S.C. being one of them. Yes, they'll be able to TRack you if, and, IF is the questionable word because there's a good chance you may be extremely sick within a year of receiving your Jab. I DO NOT believe this is the Mark of The Beast so many people believe to be as #1, you have to have The Beast first. Although there's a very good chance he's alive and well on Planet Earth as Hal Lindsey might say but he is and has not come to the forefront as of yet. But, it won't be long, believe me. We ARE the Terminal Generation and although I, personally am trying not to be imapatient as I know we must have the Fullness of The Gentiles, a prophetic call, I also know that it could be tomorrow when that last Gentile comes to Jesus and we're ALL called Home. Pray for Calm Assurance and Evangelize like no tomorrow. That is laughable as there may be TOMORROW for many of us as it could be our day, our Blessed Hope!

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