Sunday, January 23, 2022

M&M'S: For All Funkind

Ramming it down your throat at every turn. And, as of recent, and, I mean in the last two months there's been a hardcore campaign towards LGBTQRSTXYZ whatever stuff and on every major Channel. Every show I had watched at night has some kind of reference to being Binary or true to your pronouns or, "I can be who I want to be. I can be Bisexual or a girl today and go back to being a boy tomorrow!" It's an ugly, treacherous path. I mean, even if I were a moderate or fringe kind of person, I think I'd be sick to death of all these people and their stupid issues being shoved in my face. What I have realized is that a small percentage of people have taken over the Universe. SATAN IS ALIVE & WELL ON PLANET EARTH as Hal Lindsey wrote back in the 70s.(I know, I keep saying it but it fits. Great Book!!) It's prevalent and it's in your face. I am NOT moderate and have not been for some time. I do realize that every now and again, the old Barbara creeps out like some sticky, nasty thing in the night and I forget that Jesus is sitting right there with me like what I did the other day. I blocked somebody in that had been "vicious" with one of my sons and I gave them the "Southern Buzzard" as we call it. That old me would've confronted her even more and took great pleasure in watching her squirm. But, after blocking her in, The Holy Spirit convicted me and suddenly, I felt like an idiot and NOT who I aspire to be. I AM UNDER CONSTRUCTION. See, this is the LIFE the Christ wants you to have. No, as a true Believer, I do not try to Walk on Water. However, I am acutely aware that everywhere I go, Satan is trying to trip me up whilst Jesus catches me. It's that simple, that easy and it feels much better knowing that Jesus Christ has called me to His Order and I will NOT suffer what is coming. And, you can bet your bippy IT IS COMING! Call on Jesus, my friends, it IS just that easy!!

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