Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The birth pains are increasing rapidly.

Facebook would NOT allow me to publish this!! Look around you, it's getting REAL. Can't you see what's about to happen? Are your eyes WIDE OPEN, to remember 9/11, it was a FF! And, this Gov't is capable of starting WWlll for many reasons. But, the Bible called it like it is and if you actually READ IT, you'd see all the Prophesies that have come true. What's about to go down, well you do NOT want to be here to see it and in case YOU can't feel the Demonic spirits roaming 'round, I'm telling you it all is about to bite YOU in the Bum! You can escape all that is coming; Call on Jesus and establish a relationship with Him. Don't wait, for tomorrow may never come for you and your Family. It's time, heed the WARNING!!

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