Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Death of Stalin: The Untold Purim Story

Several months ago, I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I was given a "mindset," if you will, an understanding. It was made extremely clear to me that in the Great Tribulation, those Left Behind will experience much of what the Jews experienced. I could see these Men and Women rounded up by these monsters on a total power trip, bent on destruction of ANYONE who did not fit their idea of "Human." I could see them making people remove their clothes, place them in piles; shoes in one, clothes in another, glasses in a separate pile. "Put ALL your valuables in the Barrels!" They then made fun of them, "Look at his little d%@k" parading them around. The Women were also berated, naked and trying to be modest, "Look how floppy this one is." They didn't care if you were Pregnant and when they rounded the Men and Women up, they simply left the Children, Babies crying, where they were, in their Homes, in their Cribs, on the Street or simply watching in horror as their Parents were led away, violently. 

These people are Demonic, Nephilim or part Nephilim, I don't know, without regard for anything but themselves. But, how can I warn ANYONE as to what I see when they're beginning to crack down on ALL Free Speech, ALL History as well as anything that may be an honest, forthright interpretation. Facebook simply will not allow you, or me, at least, to publish such things. People, we are here in the
Terminal Generation, right on the cusp of all Hell breaking loose. I do feel a "closeness" with Purim and I have since the Purim after the Rev. 12 sign did not pan out as our appointed time, that of our Blessed Hope. I do believe that we will be out of here by April 2, 2022. Time's a wasting, time's short and it's high time that we evangelize like we never have. Call on Jesus!!

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