Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Exalted Lamb~~ The RED HEIFER to be SACRIFICED on 8/19/24?!!

🌿Glean & Share🌿✡️Oct 7th-Never Again✡️
I have real Mixed emotions concerning this on two fronts. First, I do believe they will surely Anger The Lord with this Sacrifice to WHOM? Not to mention the anger that will be kindled, needing ONLY one spark. And, I find that most are not aware that the inculcation of Operation Al Aqsa Flood, was to beat it into the heads of Hamas and it's cohorts that the Jews were most assuredly going to wreak havoc, knock over THEIR Mosque and Sacrifice the Red Heifers. I unequivocally did not get the Memo that this was the intended target. Did you? 
When all is said and done, the Iranian factions are looking, again in inculcated fashion to start a War no matter or rather "come what may." God help us because I do believe things are spiraling downwards! Our Blessed Hope is where we must stand!


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