Tuesday, August 27, 2024

,🍒Short Biography🍒 Biographics ~ Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death! ⚠️CONTENT WARNING⚠️

🍑Must Be Shared🍑📌Display's of Evil📌
This may not be interesting to you, but, I feel a need to 🕸"Know thy Enemy"🕸. With great certitude, I believe that it's all cyclical and it, or a clinical behavior very similar is coming to visit and roost again. What makes a Man/Woman behave in such a manner? What is the Effect & Causation that propels a person to expound and systematically Plan & Execute their fellow Man? Hey, I get not caring much for certain groups of people, especially those Killing, Raping, etc. You get it, right? I can not like a whole group of Gang Members per se, but, to cold-bloodedly Exterminate them, I don't comprehend. But, as sure as the Sun rose today, I know that it's all coming tomorrow...or soon after! Skip it if need be, right?


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