Thursday, August 22, 2024

Candace Owens ~ LIVE! Andrew & Tristan Tate RAIDED! What We Know… | Candace Ep 49

Share It!! , 🏴‍☠️Know Evil Abounds🏴‍☠️ 
⛔CONTENT WARNING We've been surrounded, actually infused with EVIL all our lives but who knew? It is The Holy Spirit that allows us, you and I to see that we are inundated by Satanic/Luciferin behavior in everything , especially Media. (Media was a god back in the day, by the way) We have been so unknowingly saturated by Sex & Magic that it's been hard to shake off, especially by many Men. And here's a tidbit; The name of the true Land of Oz, also called Hollywoodland which is what it was originally called is indicative towards the Devils Playground. As such because the Witches and Warlocks used the Wood from a Holly Tree to make their Wands, they named that area near Los Angeles in homage.
Yes, those old timers were serous, enough so that the reason that they always show Witches riding on a Broom is actually, well, their PG rated expression, Meaning; back in the day yesterday maybe the Coven would get together on Halloween, a BYOB affair. And, the BYOB means bring your own Broom and they'd liberally smear this somewhat Hallucinogenic Salve on it, insert it into their Rectums and get higher than a Kite running around in a Ritualistic circle! Sorry to ruin the day, Candace, if you happen to read this iteration from an old History buff,* Know Evil Abounds


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