Sunday, August 25, 2024

@YishaiFleisherTV, ~ Charlie Kirk Doesn’t MINCE WORDS with Israeli Student who’s in Danger on Campus ⚡The Ugly Truth⚡

❓Why Not Share❓❌End Times Idiocy❌
I wrote; You're A Target I know it's easy to give advice, but, I know how I've had to conduct my own life in a very Violent World. They carry a Hammer, YOU carry a Hammer. For the most part, you cannot be afraid of getting your arse handed to you, however, they are planning on YOU being afraid when, for real, they are terrified! I learned long ago that Life is perception. We have a perception concerning safety, thus we lock our doors. But, when it's all said and done, "Locks are for honest people." Thus, in the same vein, "Civility" is only for those who live in that closed perception. In example, most could never comprehend War and the Killing that goes along with it. But, it happened, in the past, and still, actually all the time around the World. Well, you're in that perception of War. Quite actually, I believe it will only get worse. However, YOU must gird your loins and wear the Full Armor of God, for starters. As well, you must not be a Victim! Walk in groups wherever possible and YES learn to Defend yourselves because the _"Mob Mentality" runs the Dogs. At the same time, 9 times out of 10, they expect you to cower and you cannot. Stand Tall in The Name of HaShem!


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