Tuesday, August 13, 2024

@soniareyes.1~ LISTEN CAREFULLY 🍃💛⏫Just Divine Judgment⏫,

OMGoodness & Grace~Share!,
🎯Retributive Justice🎯
This right here, is one of the Greatest Lessons I had to learn on a very personal level. See, before, if you messed with Me or Mine, there'd be more than busted-up💀Hell to Pay💀. I even used to kid that I'd be coming for you, the one in Black, the one you don't see till it's too late, and, I meant every word not to mention; I look better in Black...it's Slimming. 
Just a few years ago, each of my Sons were Tested beyond the pale. I mean, one was beaten so badly that it Fractured his Orbital Socket, just for starters and they did their best to humiliate him. I was enraged and like I said, we had to learn the hard way to Let Go & Let God. What a Jagged, Shards of a Glass-like Pill to Swallow! Yes, we MUST Trust in Jesus for ALL & Everything!


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