Saturday, May 25, 2024

Whaddo You Meme??-- Pastor Goes MEGAVIRAL Trashing Trump (Reaction) 🐑Sheep & Goats🐑

Absolutely MUST Share!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔

Hey, it wasn't too awfully long ago that I, too, Endorsed Trump triumphantly, endearingly. But, it was around the time when, I believe it was Newsweek that ran an Article, very similar in display to the one Obama'd posed for whereby they both were standing in profile. They then, superimposed, oh so apropos the graphics above Obama and Trump's heads, the Halo just as Jesus often had in Pictures or Portraits. And the implication of our "new Messiah" was, heretofore born. They wish!

Remember when Jeff Foxworthy did that whole spiel on "Here's Your Sign?" Yea, and, then the Holy Spirit kicked me in the teeth and rolled me down the road. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit or two,  it just felt like it, but, I was really beginning to see it ALL unfold showing me just how Sleazily in League with each other, all these World Order guys were. 

 William Shakespeare's " all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely its players" is largely the rule of Thumb.  Now that I think about it, I realize that I was "In the Know" understanding, even as far back as, let's say 2012. Remember when the debacle as to whether Obama was born in the USA or not, it may have been then that I learned that Presidents are "Selected" not "Elected." Furthermore, as well as all of the Drama concerning the Initiation or rather Ritual Indoctrination of ALL Presidents inclined and/or in the Name of "Osiris." Yes, a very deep dive, down the Rabbit Hole on another day, right? Suffice it say, however, we are aware that they're all Nefarious in one style or the other and that's a FACT!


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