Thursday, May 30, 2024

Troy Black-- Urgent. God Just Spoke to Me About Trump's Trial. 💥Rapture 2024💥

Please Please Share!! 🤬Last Days Lunacy🤬

It is imperative that I reiterate that, YES, I used to think Trump was an Answer. I no longer feel that the Election of Trump will do anything, and, in fact I must say that I'd be willing to wager that there won't even BE an Election. 
But, the factual, remedial presence of The Truth still reigns in this World. Meaning, that for the most part, people still believe that what's fair is fair, what's wrong is not right even though the fight between good being evil and evil good, it still permeated from the pores of a growing population.
So, I do Pray for Justice. I do Pray that somehow, some way, Trump will not be thrown in Jail, for starters. And, I Pray that, at the very least, our Lord might gain a spotlighted foothold in this situation because, what they've done is run roughshod all over our Legal System. As Trump is quoted, rather astutely, he stated, "I stand in the way of them getting to you!" Yes, I believe if they're left to their own EVIL devices, well, there will be Hell to pay! 🕛2024 Rapture🕛


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