Saturday, May 25, 2024


Gonna Share??? 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

It's just crazy to me, or at least in my World; I have never ever that I can recollect, quoted Shakespeare and yet twice today I will have dealt. In this Video, Ruger speaks of the quote about, "To be or not to be, that is the question?" But, earlier today, in the Video named, "

Whaddo You Meme??-- Pastor Goes MEGAVIRAL Trashing Trump (Reaction) 🐑Sheep & Goats🐑," 

I quoted Shakespeare. How odd is that? I mean, I've never even read Shakespeare. I did see the Movie "Romeo & Juliet" in the 70s at Ford's Theatre, yes, that Ford's Theatre. Anywho, it speaks to me. That's it and that's all, not to mention my Formatting is awry and I don't know why. Now, I'm a Poet, lol!! And, well, yes, in our World, when the Holy Spirit speaks, you listen, right???

Via; The WHO, in the upcoming “Pandemic Treaty”, has warned us that ALL PEOPLE in Western Nations will be forced to comply with their demands!


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