Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Next News Network-- WHOA. Secret Service Prepares for Trump Jail Time Emergency Meeting with...

A MUST Share!!📌Display's of Evil📌

Nothing, Nada, Nix surprises me anymore. Then again, I'm not exactly sure if that's true because I have to constantly remind myself or say to myself that WE are The Terminal Generation. What comes with that designation is a 🌀Mixed Blessing🌀, plus a  propensity to still try to explain EXACTLY what we know with healthy certitude, what's astutely wrong in this Damned World!. Hey, it's a bitter, jagged pill to swallow, but, swallow we MUST. This Carnival Ride seems never-ending, but, there's a Prize or Brass Ring at the End of this Journey...GUARANTEED!!

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