Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Off The Kirb Ministries- This is Why Everyone is Googling "Mo Gawdat"

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What they show us is only HALF of what they possess, whether it might be Intellectual Property or situational awareness within the Programming. What you are shown, I've learned through the many Whistleblowers as well as Leaked Data is that they've already jumped into the realm of making Chimeras and using the DNA of the Giants (Bones) to make Super Soldiers. They are steadily preparing for the Great War, Armageddon!! So, when they say, "We've crossed a Pig with a Human," know for certain that they're simply gauging the Publics reaction. and it's far worse, more entailed and downright heinous! And, of course, there's the A.I. aspect to it all. Through many Whistleblowers, they have told, matter-of-factly that there are CIA "Black Budgets," Money off the Books and you're not PRIVY! 

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