Tuesday, September 19, 2023

God's Roadmap to the End- September 23rd: The Storm That Will Take the World by Surprise

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Yes, I admit that, myself plus 1000s of others may be Crazy concerning the Rapture of The Church, but, the secular community, those in Hollywood and Music, etc., are equally gearing up for that Great Day. Satan knows the Bible better than any man alive and he's readying his day in the Sun, 7 years to be exact! 
Now, you can choose to look the other way as to what is coming down the pike, but, that does not mean that the worst time known to Man is not about to happen. As well  is the best day for the few Christians who'll be taken out of this World and spared ALL that is about to happen; First, Satan is released along with his minions to wreak havoc and then, The Wrath of God in End! So, the point remains that in Hollywood, in Movies, etc., the date, "September 23" is the most widely solicited and used. It's coming! And, you've been Warned!! Did I mention The Storm???


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