Friday, September 15, 2023

Attorney Defending Constitutional Rights Receives Standing Ovation for Her Oral Arguments Against NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Tyrannical Quarantine Camp Lawsuit Appeal (VIDEO)

 THE most important Article you may ever read! NY Gov. Hochul is getting ready to ALLOW the Jackboots and Power Tripping Men and Women of this World, the Evil is about to be unleashed. NO JOKE!! READ THIS;

"The regulation in question allows for mandating isolation and quarantine orders for individuals without concrete proof that they are sick or have been exposed to diseases listed in the regulation. This regulation granted Department of Health bureaucrats the ability to force indefinite isolation and quarantine upon citizens of any age for any reason."
I BEG you people to take a moment of your time and read this article! Our NY Gov. Hochul is insisting on FEMA (Concentration Camps) Facilities, (they're building) for Incarceration of ANYBODY deemed necessary! She wants to give permission to HER people in a wide capacity opinion to take ANYBODY, even your Children if they deem it necessary AWAY to these Camps. Now, you can pretend that everything is hunky-dory, but, I am telling you SHE IS INSISTING ON PASSING THIS BILL!
There is no stopping these people and YES, they are coming for YOU & YOURS. You'd better Wake-Up and realize that they know what mistakes they made in March 2020 with the Sickness and bet your boots, they're gonna get it right this time! It is a Locomotive, this just being the first Installment, the first peek into their plans. I can't stress it enough; You have, but, days till the START of it all, Tribulation!
But, there is a way out just as the Bible states; You can escape ALL that is coming and it is coming, guaranteed. God promises that if you BELIEVE that Jesus Died on the Cross for YOU, He WILL SAVE YOU, and you need only to genuinely CALL OUT to HIM! You must Repent, making a sincere effort to ask the Lord to forgive all of your Sins. Nope, you can't say some silly mantra, click your heels three times and all is in order. But, you most go to Him, Jesus and ask Him for help, ask Him to take YOU and YOURS out of this World which gets nastier every day. Because, what's coming down the pike, you will not survive without the help of that guy who Died on that Cross for YOU too! Call Him up...It's Free! And, by the way, TIME IS UP! Again, you have but days till the bricks fall and Satan and the New World Order begins it's short reign!!

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