Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Whaddo You Meme??- Mr Beast Changed...

Can I Get You To Share This, Please?
It was only recently that I saw something that said something about this Mr Beast fella, otherwise, I'd have no idea. You know, I have yet to hear ANYBODY say, "Gosh, I don't think I believe that Caligula, Genghis Kahn or even the likes of Isaac Newton exist!" And yet, they all question the existence of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Why is that? Is it because of Satan? I believe in Satan as do 3/4 of your Celebs who believe that he is the true god. However, I know who MY GOD is, but. do you? If you spent as much time on Jesus as you do in everything else, you'd have no qualms, right? So, do what I did; If I wondered about anything, I looked it up and much of it, i.e. Sodom & Gomorrah or Noah and the Flood, almost all of it, proof can and is readily available on YouTube. Prove it all to yourself today because, well, you are OUT OF TIME!!


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