Sunday, March 5, 2023

Israeli News Live- Reports Surface Trump to Reinstate Death Penalty by Guillotine

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Jesus is Jewish and the Jews are Chosen. However, the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus spoke to, even 2,500 years ago is running riot in one way or another, even more so today! I grew up, every Shabbat saying out loud, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. But, I've come to realize that there are big problems in the Church and their Beliefs as well as the Jews as it seems everybody'd got their own Doctrine and it's really NOT BIBLICAL! When the Bible says In Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter," this is a Commandment not just a cute suggestion! And, people, we shall soon see, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge," no truer words were ever spoken! And, when they begin to apply the Noahide Laws (634?) and they will for a short amount of time, it'll be a Scorched Earth policy. Pay attention, people as they keep showing you Shiny Stuff so's to distract and deflect and especially when it comes to the True Doctrine, that which is actually IN the Bible. Gotta Read It To Get It!! Hurry Jesus, please!!


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