Sunday, March 26, 2023

Many Fishers- i am ai. Mind Blowing Deception and Spiritual Wickedness Manifest 2023

Go ahead, call me Crazy or a Conspiracy Theorist, the new nicknames for those that speak the Truth. "They" must soft-sell/pre-sell their intentions and they have for many years through "Programming," don't you just love that word considering it is what they call your TV Shows. Yes, they are and have been soft-selling, hocking their Evil ways and wears for as long as I can remember and if my memory serves me, I can recall playing in my Crib in what would've been, roughly 1960? My point being; For umpteen years these nefarious, formally underground entities who do NOT have your best interest at heart, have been changing the molecular progeny of the very Vegetables, Meats, Fruits that you eat, Devil may care if the GMO's cause issue with YOUR molecular progeny. 

The Drugs they've pushed have made many a man a simpering, whimpering excuse of a man, women too as they fall into Addictions that seem to please the "Hell outta the Devil!" And, most of all, these dirty dealings have done their level best to inspire you to be Evil too! You can bet your bippy, they're personally showing YOUR Children how to Sin, how to commit Crime, how to Live "Nasty" as "Ms. Jackson if you're Nasty," sang in the generational fight song! Furthermore, what they show, in the light is only half of what they'll let you see as they creep it out, inch by filthy inch in the dank darkness. What am I talking about? Several years ago, they told how the UK was the first to make a half-pig/half-human. Good ol' Chimeras! This was announced, lauded for your approval simply to gauge YOUR reactions! 

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Eccl. 1:9

Today, they'll give you but a taste, of what they're cooking-up beneath the Earth, in these D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases, Tunnel systems dotted across the U.S. and Abroad. These are places known for their  nefarious goings-on such as Human Trafficking and the making of illicit "Adrenochrome," one of the hottest commodities amongst the wealthy. More importantly, it is contrived that the Military and/or Mad Scientist, have already extracted DNA from the Nephilim, Bones of the Giants and are in a mad race to, like a crazed  Erector Set, put together an Army to match Jesus' Army for the Battle of Armageddon. IT IS COMING!!!


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