Saturday, March 25, 2023

Saint AVS- WATER Springs EXPLODE in The Desert! Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled? *ACTUAL VIDEO FOOTAGE*

Sorry but, I am not in complete agreement with this Fella or his "Poser" language. (I feel; if you have to constantly interpret the "language" when that verbiage is in English, I feel you're somewhat "showing-off!" Just my not so humble opinion!) However, I feel if we have "Spiritual Discernment" we can garner from so many things. Such is so in this Video as I do believe he is correct in his assumptions. So many things are happening at a rapid-fire pace, i.e., the Dead Sea coming to life, as their findings are that there are spots where natural Springs have burst forth and Fish are able to live in its wake in the Salty waters. Another example is the Sea of Galilee is said to be "filled again" in the End Times and so it has, as well as the Euphrates River, actually drying up, another exact Prophesy whereby 200 million men will march across it's dry land, etc. Fascinating times, eh?


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