Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Please Share this absolutely fascinating piece of work. Just astounding!


Sling and Stone- Something HUGE Just Happened in Israel | PROPHECY ALERT 2023

Share, Please? Did you know that in the UK they tried and failed, Thank God, to Pass a Bill to make it Illegal to Pray, even silently in front of such places as an Abortion Facility? Yes, it is true and a couple of months ago, a UK woman was Arrested, standing outside and completely across the Street from an Abortion Clinic, simply Praying by herself. Yes, Lord Jesus, I know we are clearly in The End of Days!!


Whaddo You Meme??- Mr Beast Changed...

Can I Get You To Share This, Please?
It was only recently that I saw something that said something about this Mr Beast fella, otherwise, I'd have no idea. You know, I have yet to hear ANYBODY say, "Gosh, I don't think I believe that Caligula, Genghis Kahn or even the likes of Isaac Newton exist!" And yet, they all question the existence of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Why is that? Is it because of Satan? I believe in Satan as do 3/4 of your Celebs who believe that he is the true god. However, I know who MY GOD is, but. do you? If you spent as much time on Jesus as you do in everything else, you'd have no qualms, right? So, do what I did; If I wondered about anything, I looked it up and much of it, i.e. Sodom & Gomorrah or Noah and the Flood, almost all of it, proof can and is readily available on YouTube. Prove it all to yourself today because, well, you are OUT OF TIME!!


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Many Fishers- i am ai. Mind Blowing Deception and Spiritual Wickedness Manifest 2023

Go ahead, call me Crazy or a Conspiracy Theorist, the new nicknames for those that speak the Truth. "They" must soft-sell/pre-sell their intentions and they have for many years through "Programming," don't you just love that word considering it is what they call your TV Shows. Yes, they are and have been soft-selling, hocking their Evil ways and wears for as long as I can remember and if my memory serves me, I can recall playing in my Crib in what would've been, roughly 1960? My point being; For umpteen years these nefarious, formally underground entities who do NOT have your best interest at heart, have been changing the molecular progeny of the very Vegetables, Meats, Fruits that you eat, Devil may care if the GMO's cause issue with YOUR molecular progeny. 

The Drugs they've pushed have made many a man a simpering, whimpering excuse of a man, women too as they fall into Addictions that seem to please the "Hell outta the Devil!" And, most of all, these dirty dealings have done their level best to inspire you to be Evil too! You can bet your bippy, they're personally showing YOUR Children how to Sin, how to commit Crime, how to Live "Nasty" as "Ms. Jackson if you're Nasty," sang in the generational fight song! Furthermore, what they show, in the light is only half of what they'll let you see as they creep it out, inch by filthy inch in the dank darkness. What am I talking about? Several years ago, they told how the UK was the first to make a half-pig/half-human. Good ol' Chimeras! This was announced, lauded for your approval simply to gauge YOUR reactions! 

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Eccl. 1:9

Today, they'll give you but a taste, of what they're cooking-up beneath the Earth, in these D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases, Tunnel systems dotted across the U.S. and Abroad. These are places known for their  nefarious goings-on such as Human Trafficking and the making of illicit "Adrenochrome," one of the hottest commodities amongst the wealthy. More importantly, it is contrived that the Military and/or Mad Scientist, have already extracted DNA from the Nephilim, Bones of the Giants and are in a mad race to, like a crazed  Erector Set, put together an Army to match Jesus' Army for the Battle of Armageddon. IT IS COMING!!!



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R$E- Shocking! How “Truth Movement” Deceives You (R$E)

I don't know about you, but, I feel this is a great Tool, handed down to me from The Father.  Share This!!


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Saint AVS- WATER Springs EXPLODE in The Desert! Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled? *ACTUAL VIDEO FOOTAGE*

Sorry but, I am not in complete agreement with this Fella or his "Poser" language. (I feel; if you have to constantly interpret the "language" when that verbiage is in English, I feel you're somewhat "showing-off!" Just my not so humble opinion!) However, I feel if we have "Spiritual Discernment" we can garner from so many things. Such is so in this Video as I do believe he is correct in his assumptions. So many things are happening at a rapid-fire pace, i.e., the Dead Sea coming to life, as their findings are that there are spots where natural Springs have burst forth and Fish are able to live in its wake in the Salty waters. Another example is the Sea of Galilee is said to be "filled again" in the End Times and so it has, as well as the Euphrates River, actually drying up, another exact Prophesy whereby 200 million men will march across it's dry land, etc. Fascinating times, eh?


Monday, March 20, 2023

Sling and Stone- The Nephilim GIANTS of Patagonia | Biblical Giants

C'mon, Share!! I cannot recall, to my own demise where I heard/read it, but, it was a credible source in my mind; That the place where Jesus was Crucified, which was called Golgotha, it means "Place of The Skull" or simply "Skull." And, it is, I suppose rumored as I cannot factually account for this, but, the rumor is that it is called such because "King David," upon his killing of Goliath, buried the Head of Goliath at that exact spot! Furthermore, the place where our Lord, Jesus Christ was Crucified is far more interesting than originally thought. First we have the stories of Ron Wyatt who upon cleaning out trash from the Tomb where Jesus had lain, found a Tunnel system dug out. He stated, before he died that he'd found the Ark of The Covenant and there was Blood upon the Mercy Seat. To my liking, it is upsetting that the Tomb of Jesus was full of Trash as it is right where a Bus Station is located. By the way, it was supposedly found directly below the exact place, under where the Cross of Jesus was. He then tested that Blood at 2-3 Laboratories, given samples of this Blood without the Labs' knowledge of the Patient or rather whom the Blood sample was taken. The Testing came back with ONLY the Mother's Chromosomes present. Each Lab was in an uproar. You can read Ron Wyatt's Adventures here @ WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH!


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Edward Umling- Silence in Heaven

This struck a deep cord in my spirit. Change is coming. Fear and loathing is coming. We are the Terminal Generation and it's called this for a reason, soon to be specified. Yes, we are in the Season that is spoken aloud by all the Watchmen; Rapture, Rapture, Rapture! And then, God help anyone Left Behind!! Time to get busy, plant Spiritual Seeds if nothing else for those Seeds will come to fruition when it is needed most in and amongst the Tribulation of this World!! Pray that you are counted Worthy!!


Sunday, March 12, 2023

More Perfect Union- We Went to East Palestine: What We Saw May Shock You

Excellent Proven Thesis!! May The Father, tuck each and every one of you, beneath His Wings and give you calm assurance that He has your Battle at hand. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF OUR GOD, Norfolk Southern to make you tuck your tails and call for Mama! Do right towards these people or expect the Wrath of God upon your quivering heads! And, may Jesus Christ the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Bless you all, holding your Babies closest! Amen!!


S4C- Can A Woman Preach And Teach The Word Of God?

Please Share!! This is an excellent Teaching. And, furthermore, is it not hard for a woman who's Husband is domineering to be submissive when he, himself, your Husband is not submissive to our Lord? There is a clear-cut line of succession, or ranking, basically, a line of authority which is that of our Lord God first, then the Husband, and, then the Wife!


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Israeli News Live- Reports Surface Trump to Reinstate Death Penalty by Guillotine

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Jesus is Jewish and the Jews are Chosen. However, the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus spoke to, even 2,500 years ago is running riot in one way or another, even more so today! I grew up, every Shabbat saying out loud, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. But, I've come to realize that there are big problems in the Church and their Beliefs as well as the Jews as it seems everybody'd got their own Doctrine and it's really NOT BIBLICAL! When the Bible says In Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter," this is a Commandment not just a cute suggestion! And, people, we shall soon see, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge," no truer words were ever spoken! And, when they begin to apply the Noahide Laws (634?) and they will for a short amount of time, it'll be a Scorched Earth policy. Pay attention, people as they keep showing you Shiny Stuff so's to distract and deflect and especially when it comes to the True Doctrine, that which is actually IN the Bible. Gotta Read It To Get It!! Hurry Jesus, please!!


Sherry Rich- Amanda Christian's dream coming TRUE! PUTIN IS HIDING BOMBS ...

 Good Video, Sherry & Amanda!

S4C- 2020 Was Important Part 2 Midweek Bible Study

Show You Care & Kindly Share!!


will123will- The Seven Days Of Creation Prophecy

Share This Video!!


Friday, March 3, 2023

Just Another Example#1 Forbes Breaking News- Joe Biden, Are You Listening?': Troy Nehls Reveals Shocking Rap Sheets Of Some Border Crossers

When you speak to someone that is on the Fence about Believing, tell/show them the Stories such as this. Because most people don't even comprehend just how bad things are. This is a Barometer as well a Measuring Rod that shows just how close we are to complete pandemonium. "Good is Evil & Evil is Good," Is.5:20 and nothing could be more descript concerning our day and age. Yes, the Rapture of the Church is most assuredly at any minute and as for Me & Mine, we cannot wait to be in the company of Jesus and like-minded Brothers & Sisters! Selah!!


Dr Barry Awe- Will the RAPTURE and Resurrection occur when the Man Child is caught up by the Sun?

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