Friday, July 30, 2021

The Untold TRUTH Behind Illegal Immigration- Candace Owens

I used to believe that Trump was gonna swoop in, save the day and STOP THIS NONSENSE. But, I have since figured out, that that was a false ideal and it stands to reason that "it is what it is, and it's right on time!" What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, the WHOLE situation, happenings, going's on today, well it only reiterates the fact that we are, at any minute ready to jump into the ugliest Tribulation. Now, that is comforting to me as I believe that before Tribulation, is the Rapture of the Church. However, uh, these people that do not want to hear the Gospell, well, they're about to be hit by a Mack Truck and it's beyond sad! Plant seeds where you can because Time Is Up!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

COOL CONFIRMATIONS- Michael @ Humble Seeker

One of the most brilliant and spirit-filled men to study Eschatology, Michael @ Humble Seeker has never been one for theatrics nor has he spouted off Rapture dates time upon time as many have. Thus, I am taking his intrinsic calculations, as serious as a Heart Attack! I suggest that you watch this, watch a few of his more recent Videos so you might get up to speed or, quite actually to prove to yourself this real, true possibility as well as to understand how Michael has arrived at his conjecture. I believe and this is just my own humble opinion, that the Rapture will any minute, any moment. Cloud Party Time!!

Friday, July 23, 2021

#4 The Crazies- California police sergeant rips Newsom for denying crime spike

Right now, we've dipped our Toe into the Vat of Tribulation. If YOU can't see it, go to the Doctor right now and have them check your Eyesight!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

#3 The Crazies- San Francisco locals react to rampant shoplifting, break-ins | Fox News ...

California, San Francisco has become the "Playbook" for what will too soon happen across the U.S. Lawlessness WILL abound, guaranteed. When you have people shouting ,"Defund the Police" and then Officials (namely Democratic) make it so easy, basically pointless to stop these people, it has become a piria, a "pain where the Pill can't get to" as my Grandpa used to say. We are easing right into Tribulation. Soon though, it will become unbearable to leave your Home. Rapture us soon, sweet Jesus?

Monday, July 19, 2021

S4C- A Word From God

#3 Faith In Action- Tucker hosts explosive interview with actor Jon Voight on faith

I've always liked Jon Voight, as a person, per se and as an Actor throughout the years. He is ot a complicated man and yet,he isremelyboldtostand up, be counted, counted on the Conservative side. Hollywood and their icons, well, as least these days, they've turned into hate-filled, Satanic, Homosexual "Scoopers." What are "Scoopers?" Many in Hollywood, in case you haven't noticed are hellbent on shoveling their lifestyle rhetoric, down our collective throats. It is tiring. What's the point? Well, it has become noticeable when someone such as Jon Voight stands up and lets you know the Truth of the matter. How refreshing!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

#2 The Crazies- What We Should ALL Be Doing Right Now! 😷 (ORIGINAL)

"Life, as we know it will NEVER go back to how it was." They say this now, as if, in this Generation that the Decline of Man has been an obscure, far off mindset. But, I find "Life as we know it" is as insidious and as crazy as a Loon! Nope, do not expect things, in any way, shape or fashion to resemble normalcy because THAT, my friends has been out the window for at least, well, before Christ walked this Earth. *I'd Laugh if I could just stop Crying! 
*Not really crying but rejoicing as I know, without a bit of reservation that the Rapture is this year, in 2021 and if nothing else, I'm the next month!

#3 Beyond Fascinating- Dog Stares At Wall For Days, So Dad Sets Up a Hidden Camera

#2 Faith in Action- God’s Name being Spelled out on the Temple Mount’s Eastern Wall

From a Story Please read this extremely engaging Story as to the relevance, even today of the Holy Letters upon the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall!

Saturday, July 17, 2021


When I first started watching this Video, I thought to myself, "Well, this is silly. He's got a Comical shading on the Video but, boy, did his words ring true. Yes, we can learn as a Scholar or even in the most mundane of things. This, in particular made me realize, "I've had a LOT of Crap plopped upon me." I can look back, now, to 44 years ago TODAY when I was in a horrendous Car accident, one which crippled me in so many ways and completely changed and altered my life and my way of thinking. I mean, it was bad enough that I had Brain damage (this explains EVERYTHING, lol!). 

The fact remains, that I can now look back and clearly see that a lot of DUNG has been thrown on me. And, it has taken all this time, 62 1/2 years, as of 7/17/21, to see that there shall be NO "Pity Party" for me after ceremoniously having had DUNG FLUNG upon me all these years. Nah, it shall be a Heavenly Celebration of the Lord, my God, who cared enough to prune, pinch, and, spread that dung upon me and my life so that I might grow and get all that He is saying. 

Today, Sat., 7/17 I now know, without any reservation, that God the Father has Blessed BUT rode me hard for a reason. Jesus has walked along, beside me, every single day but I was often "Stuck on Stupid" and not able to see it. And, lastly, the Holy Spirit has stuck with me, ALWAYS and it has taken so many, far too many years for me to get and recognize that "Whisper" or that feeling in my Gut, guiding, prompting or placing me for the greater good...of me. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, I hear You and Your Word!

#2 Beyond Fascinating - Potoo birds hauntingly beautiful sound

Potoos of Costa Rica

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Writing is on the Wall... FINAL DAYS TO THE 9TH OF AV!!!

 Based on the Article @Israel 365 News; 


#1 The Crazies/End Times Decline-George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

#1 in a Series Showing End Times Decline


Remember the old adage, "No News is Good News?" Well, this time, I am sorry but the News tickled the heck out of me. Saint George, as he is called has had, more often than not, his Statues, etc., defaced or demolished. Should I be happy about it?

I realize that even in the Bible there were separations of the Peoples. In other words; "We don't always get along." But, in this instance I find myself asking this question; Am I to love "This Neighbor?"

I could very well be wrong about this, but, it is extremely hard to sit back and watch a "People's," run amuck, doing millions of dollars of damage, looting, shooting, burning...and I beg of you; Should I have love for these individuals?

God, help me to show Mercy where Mercy should be shown. Help me to "Love My Brother" and understand the delineation between the two, should there be a line drawn in the sand? And, Jesus, be my example and show me, through The Holy Spirit, how I might be an example, an Ambassador, a representation of YOU! In the Name of my Lord, my God, my King, my Everything, Jesus Christ, I ask and Pray. Amen and Amen

George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

Monday, July 12, 2021

A mother found a home in a Norfolk gang. Then they shot her in the face and left her for dead, prosecutors say.

It is crystal clear to me; this World is and has become beyond EVIL! This story, about a young woman, the Mother of a two-year old, found close to Death, brutally beaten, stabbed in the head, shot in the eye and, basically "Waterboarded" with Bleach is simply beyond belief. God help these jokers, these "Headed for Dead" evil entities. As for me, I'd have an extremely hard time forgiving these terrible people. 

Now, I was riding with the Pagan's MC when I was 14 years old, so I do know a thing or two about this sort of thing as this woman had been "Jumped In" to the "Outlaw Bloods" a faction of the infamous South Central L.A. Bloods which, by the way are across the Country extensively and exponentially! 
I find myself, pleading with The Father on the daily, praying that we will soon be Raptured and removed from this, ever-growing, ever-present Empire of Evil. I almost do not want to read the News because, #1, most of it is Lies & Alibies and, #2, it, if nothing else is the evidentiary compilation of the Axis of Evil across this Nation, across the World. Just as it says in Isaiah 5:20, 

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter," 

so it is never truer! And, every single day, the heinousness of our existence sits in the balance of such wretchedness. We are expected to swallow it whole in everything we watch (especially placed in every episode, movie, etc., some sort of Homosexual tryst is strategically placed), all the music on the *Airwaves, every Commercial and on ALL News Stations. It has become insidious. But, what's more absurd is the fact that people do not seem to see it, ANY OF IT? 

I fervently Pray, please, Dear Jesus As I know, without a doubt that the Church, the Believers in You, we will most certainly be removed this year, in 2021. I ask that you give us all calm assurance, hope and faith till we hear that Trumpet and You, sweet sweet Jesus, calling us Home. We are Strangers in a Strange Land and, quite honestly, we hate it here. We ask all of this, in Your Name, Jesus; our God, our King, our Everything. Amen and Amen *Airwaves, in my understanding is significant, if nothing else, because we call Satan the Prince of the Air!

Article @TheVirginiaPilot;