Friday, September 13, 2024

Yishai Fleisher ~ “It’s a FACT!” Yishai Fleisher Says what NO ONE else will about Israeli Hostages! 📌Display's of Evil📌

Please Share!  😈Don't Forget Oct 7th😈
We MUST NOT  forget just how ugly and formidable Hamas is. People are acting and thinking with Emotion first, understandably so, but, it is a time for Common Sense.  Unfortunately this will require true Courage, not Diplomacy. It must be faced, to accept the actuality and gravity of the situation; Hamas is playing a Deadly Game of Emotions, mainly that of the Israelis' and the Families! As nasty and disgustingly real the scenario seemingly is, I find Yishai Fleisher's disclosure radiantly painful, yet, as close to a truthful plausibility there is. If nothing else, can be gained here, I am grateful that Yishai Fleisher spoke, not his, but, The Truth as painful as it may seem...indomitably Soul crushing! Baruch HaShem!


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