Sunday, September 15, 2024

JESUS is LIFE Ministry ~ The LORD God Brings Glory and Good : His Testimony and Trial // December 7, 2019

💜Share the Pain💜😈End Times Behavior😈
This was in my Feed and 👀Piqued my Interest👀 so I began to watch his heart-felt exchange. Very Holy Spirit driven, I feel!

Via; On Thursday night, December 5, 2019, the LORD protected and provided for me to spare my life when the time He has given me on earth could have come to end. Through what the enemy intended for evil, God is using as a tremendous opportunity to bring Glory to His Name. We are just in the beginning, and all we are seeing Him already do is beyond words. Our Prayer is that through every moment in the ambulance, test ran, phone call made, that paramedics, nurses, doctors, specialists, patients, police officers and detectives, witnesses of the scene, and all those who will hear and see this testimony of the LORD’s Faithfulness will have an opportunity to see GOD’s Glory and Salvation offered through His Son Jesus for their lives. GOD is able to bring good out of all things for those that love Him and are called according to His Purpose. Be diligent and persevere to the end, for in this we shall be Saved, in the Name is Jesus Christ the LORD.


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