Thursday, September 5, 2024

End Times Productions ~ UFO Whistleblower Reveals Fallen Angels! 🏴‍☠️Know Evil Abounds🏴‍☠️

Why Not Share?  💊Addiction & Alcohol💊

I have fought Addiction most of my life. Having said this, I will make the bold statement that I believe that Demons easily Enter through your Pineal Gland. That is not MY Research, but, to the credit of many Fellows and Christian Researchers alike, most more proficient, they have proven, more or less, that a Drug is a Drug is a Drug.

Meaning that if a Compound or Chemical alters your Pineal Gland through ingestion, or and even intravenously,
Drunking or Drinking to excess is right up there with the rest of Addictive componants, i.e., ALL DRUGS...and all types of Alcohol!

Now, some might find that extremely inflammarory, and, that may anger some of you, but it is the stone-cold Truth. I bring this forward to posit the painful conclusion that; Christians drinking every nite, a bottle here, a bottle there is truly NO DIFFERENT than any other Druggists' Compound! Please, I ask YOU to Prove Me Wrong!!

The one and ONLY reason Aldohol is Legal is because back in the hey-day when the Harrison Stamp Act was in action, all Hell broke loose during and throughout that era. Prohibition was dropped in 1933 and I do believe that the Prohibition being dropped was, but, one exchange on the Books. In other words, it was jumping from the Frying Pan into The Fire as the Men Voted Alcohol allowance, but, placed a hold on Narcotics. (Women were known at that juncture to get Lazy on Laudanum, letting their Homes and Children to suffer, come what may...or so the say?)

There's all in all too much evidence of wheeling and dealing going on over these two enactments, but, suffice it to say that the FACT that Alcohol was allowed to be Legal, well, Satan rejoiced while the Women wailed as their Men spent the earnings Drinking and came Home only to slap their Wives upside the Head.

Quite actually the "Rule of Thumb" a venacular we still use in our everyday speech was an ugly Law enacted whereby a Man could Legally beat his Wife if he were to hit her with a Stick no wider than his thumb. Good times, right?

The Prisons are chock full of people who wished they knew what the know now. They don't just Drive you Home anymore for a DUI. Nope, they throw you in Jail, but, for far too many, they found out just gow dangerous Alcohol and Drugs can be.

While I was in Prison, I met many Women, too many, who'd had their Lives torn apart when a single Night of Drinking completely upended their whole existence. Unfortunately, it is probably the Children who may suffer the most. See, if you receive a Sentence in excess of two years, and then are then sent to The Big House, your Children become a Ward of The State. If you have Family, they must prove that they are good for the Children enough so to be Awarded. But, and this is heart-breaking, those Children are then, immediately and unequivically, without your say, they're matter-of-factly put up for Adoption.
All for a Night on The Town! 💊Addiction & Alcohol💊
(Yes, I know that I can be long-winded. My wonderful Sons tell me quite often, of which I'd tell you ALL about it, but, I shall spare you poor Souls. God Bless!)

Via; In this explosive video, we dive into the dark, hidden world of the Collins Elite—a secretive religious group within the Pentagon that’s been shaping UAP policy based on their apocalyptic beliefs. Based on revelations from Lou Elizondo’s book "Imminent," we explore how this shadowy group has influenced the government’s approach to UFO investigations, pushing a religious agenda in the name of national security. Is our understanding of UAPs being manipulated by powerful zealots? Watch as we uncover the truth behind this chilling conspiracy.

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