Monday, July 15, 2024

Rapture Revealed-- "It Could REALLY Be Any Day Now" The Rapture Is Coming! 🚨Prophetic Utterance🚨,

Sure to Share!!⛔End Times Warning⛔
Via; Now, let's consider the timing of this event. It's occurring just months before a highly contentious presidential election. In Daniel 9:27, we read about the Antichrist making a covenant with many for one week – that's the seven-year Tribulation period. Could this assassination attempt be setting the stage for a charismatic leader to arise, promising peace and security in the midst of chaos? It's important to note that we're not suggesting Trump is the Antichrist. In fact, some believers view Trump as a leader sent by God to protect Christian values and support Israel. They point to his policies favoring religious freedom and his strong support for Israel, including moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, as evidence of divine favor. The Bible does speak of God raising up leaders for His purposes. In Romans 13:1, we read, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." Could Trump be such a leader, appointed for this crucial time in history?


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